*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

I've met around 15 people and all but one have tried to kill me or have killed me.
Still it does have its humorous moments though, while i was raiding a supermarket for supplies i heard someone running up behind me for the close kill, so i jumped out the broken window and ran as i was unarmed.
Since the bandit could no longer get the close kill he came running out of the shop, pulled out a mossberg 590 and tried to shoot me, but kept missing. As i ran i wondered why he kept missing me so i hid in a bush and watched from a distance and discovered that the first shotgun blast brought every nearby zombie on to the bandit and it was them he was trying to shoot.
How i laughed as i watch him run out of ammo and get overwhelmed by the horde of zombies he alerted.

Just found $58 dollars on the body of a zombie i killed, will i lose any money i have when i get killed or is that safe?
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pretty crappy day today

Firstly encountered 3 bandits in a group, killed one but the other 2 got me.

Then killed a guy trying to snipe me and picked up his stuff. He had loads, silencer, sniper rifle, etc.. Then saved a guy being chased by zombies.

Was then killed by a cheater :(
Ah cool, i was stalking someone and got them and then you said 626 bandit in chat, thought i accidentally got you!

Ah lol, no I pressed tab and saw bandit by your name :) Good game guys. Loved the fact I owned that guy with the m4 in the barn with my hammer. Cause he was looking where you guys shot his m8 :p
They just logged, 2 were staying on the edge of the zone to shoot out as the other two looted all our gear, really low playing style.

First time i've been ****** off in game as it was a blatant mechanic exploit.
Thanks to Six for giving a couple of bits of advice tonight....bad news is I asked for the refund :D seemed quite nice but too similar to dayz.....like trying to write with your left hand.

The words make sense but it just doesn't feel comfortable!
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