*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Just joined a random server, heard two guys talking about meeting at the crash near the campsite. I was close as hell so I took a detour, found them both. Lets just say I now have a few weapons :)
Is anyone else finding that the numbers of players in the server lists is completely wrong?

I will log in to a server with 8 players to find it actually has 35 or i'll try to log in to one with 15 players only to be told that the server is full???
Is there much reason to go in the safe zones, other than to use the global inventory? Just lost an M4 to a group that must have been camping the safe zone.

Sods law, I spent about 10 minutes deciding where to cross this road and if it was safe!
Is there much reason to go in the safe zones, other than to use the global inventory? Just lost an M4 to a group that must have been camping the safe zone.

Sods law, I spent about 10 minutes deciding where to cross this road and if it was safe!

At the moment no, it is only used for stashing stuff you have got. Not sure what they have planned for them if anything.
PMFSL!!!!! I just logged into a server on a roof top and on the other side of the roof basically 1 metre away was a guy laid down so I shot him ; ) he dropped 2x large back pack 9x binoculars 1x sniper riffle, 2x m16 ammo, seiga ammo, 2x pistols, m9 helmet, moss shotgun, and a load of other stuff he was doing the same as me server jumping and he gave me the biggest RAGE on global and proxi chat im still luaghing my head off now at how ****ed he must have been.... after i got most of it i got shot at by 2 more people i got hit a few times before laying down and managed to log out in time funniest experience in the game so far.
yeah best way is to stay in or near a town and kill someone there is so many people already with lots of gear from a tour round the map tonight alone i've got enough gear for 5 chars now fully loaded, just need to stock up on more assault ammo now and go hunting.
There's nothing quite like that sound of gunfire from somewhere in the vicinity.

Or when you hear a shot just as you run into a building with no idea where it came from. You then have to scout every angle before venturing out - or try and find another exit. Very tense.

Do people quit out much to get out of trouble? I've never really had enough decent stuff to bother but I feel it's a bit cheep - the logout timer should be longer if you've just been shot at - it think DayZ might have this implemented?
My mate suggested a good way to combat people logging out.

Would link to proxy chat so that if you we're in the vicinity of someone you would be unable to logout. It couldn't be abused because if you do logout in this game there's no way of stopping the process so you'd just logout.

Probably with this is it will create situations where either you have to run or you find the person and try to kill them. IMO you shouldn't be able to logout when in the vicinity of a town.

That said it's a good way to store loot though. Me and my buddy we're in a 2v3 situation last night, we killed all 3 but I was killed by another guy walking down the street. I logged back in just round the corner, ran in to grab the loot, killed another guy who was walking into the same supermarket and then rather than risk making the trek back to the safe zone myself, I logged out and will wait for my buddies to arrive tonight and back me up.

I agree though, people who see the first sign of danger and log out do get on my nerves a bit.
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Just seen my very first cheater. He was floating around the map at very fast speeds. He had no walking animation just floating lol. Everyone in chat was talking about him as well. Was quite funny to watch him zoom of in the distance.
PMFSL!!!!! I just logged into a server on a roof top and on the other side of the roof basically 1 metre away was a guy laid down so I shot him ; ) he dropped 2x large back pack 9x binoculars 1x sniper riffle, 2x m16 ammo, seiga ammo, 2x pistols, m9 helmet, moss shotgun, and a load of other stuff he was doing the same as me server jumping and he gave me the biggest RAGE on global and proxi chat im still luaghing my head off now at how ****ed he must have been.... after i got most of it i got shot at by 2 more people i got hit a few times before laying down and managed to log out in time funniest experience in the game so far.

If people stopped server hopping and ALT-F4ing game would be much better. Too many people "cheating" by server hopping for loot and also gaining an advantage during a fire fight by swapping server and moving behind/above their opponents.....
Servers get reset soon so I don't mind hopping atm gets me geared up for some proper fighting in the towns I don't hop when I'm in a fire fight, just last night I was hopping the same location for gear ; )
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