Insect Id please

Again...there are yellow horseflies in the UK. How are people struggling with this?

Your are wrong. Just admit it.

It's not that yellow.
Also biting flies have protruding mouth parts and longer sensitive antenna, this does not have these.

Even with your picture against his and knowing nothing about Insects you should be able to do a 'spot the difference' and see this is NOT a biting fly

Like skoda, I grew up in the countryside, you just know instantly this is a hover not a biter
Reading this thread is just genius! A few minutes with google and some insect Taxonomy websites makes it very clear that the fly that everyone (except it seems, @Dis86) calls a horsefly is Tabanus sulcifrons. That fly is not yellow. There are of course lots of flies in the same family and genus, like Chrysops callidus that have yellow markings on them. Everyone (except again, @Dis86) does not call them horse flies. But to prove a point to a stranger on the internet he or she keeps going, bringing in examples such as the yellow horse fly (Diachlorus ferrugatus) to try and prove the point, when that fly doesn't even live in the UK.

This tells us three things:

- This is the reason biologists hate colloquial names for animals as they are rubbish at helping work out what an animal is.
- GD is sometimes so much fun to read
- There is no subject too niche that someone will want to spend lots of time trying to prove a stranger wrong on the internet. Probably because they were dropped on their head as a child or something.
- @Dis86 is a definite block list candidate.

Did you notice how I listed 4 things but said there were three? Are you now itching to post to tell me this? If so, see the third point above!

Happy Friday everyone!
It is not *the* fly that everyone (except it seem, you) calls a 'horse fly'. That is Tabanus sulcifrons.

It's a horse fly. Simple.

It isn't my fault, that despite posting quotes and images that people can't work out there's more than 1 type of horsefly.
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Look at that bad girl.
Never seen one before in my life.
It’s a UK species…
And yes I did splat it.
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Can't read thread title without imagining an insect getting ID'd trying to buy drink...or maybe in the US if a wasp was pulled over for speeding the cop would be like 'Insect ID please'

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