but then that's only for those with an interest/knowledge of computers. I would hate to imagine the % of people that just buy a pc from somewhere like PC World or Dell, and as long as it loads windows and the internet, frankly don't care what's inside it. Just image the US market that just buy pre-build systems from whatever their equivalent to PC World is, it must be the majority of customers - "enthusiasts" like us on a PC forum are always a tiny minority. Those people, who may well fall foul to scaremongering, will only go back to PC World and ask for something secure, at which point both Intel and AMD will have their new "secure" chips available for PC World to upsell at a premium. For average Joe Bloggs, I cant see it suddenly swaying massive demand over to AMD, as they will just buy what's easily available as they're not going to be buying/spec'ing components for a home build, as we would.