International Space Station Overhead tonight - twice

AWSOME.. Just seen it. Far better than last night and got a good 3 minutes worth of viewing too. I didnt realise the path it would take. If I knew if was cmoing straight at me I would have got my TScope out, much easier to track faster objects when coming right at you.

Very bright. I bet some people in here should have some good photos of it tonight..
droolinggimp said:
Yeah I noticed that too. Oh I also saw 4 shooting starts too as it was passing. They were in a different part of the sky though.

Pollocks 4 you are lucky to see 1 in your lifetime, I have seen 2 up to date.
I'm confused!

Saw something very fast, faster than the plane that went past much nearer a few minutes before, but it wasn't the bright light I was expecting :confused:

What did it look like?
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