Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Yes, just common courtesy to reply.
No matter how bad their speeling and grammur is. :D
or evn if dey rit lik dat.

I got a message the other day..

"lol x"

That was it, no previous convo, totally new to me and that's all she found to say. Defies belief.

problem is that she said "message me if you dont want to talk". :confused:

I had one that just said "WOW". thats 1 letter worse off than you. :rolleyes:
Depends who you ask.

I'm losing hope in it anyway. I've been on a few dates but it's hard work sifting through the bad ones. Six girls looked at my profile this morning and the only one who sent me a message was the uggo.
Whats the problem... the birds do it to us, just do it back to them. I tend to open all the messages without opening the profile first. Once I have read the message, if it is any good then I look at the profile and decide then if it is worth replying.

I seem to be getting loads of messages recently, way more than when I first signed up, which is really odd, but then they are all fugly!
Prepare yourself for lols!

Yo dudes,

Ok - so someone asked me how I was getting on several pages ago and I tactically ignored them (sorry)! But I think I've overcome my shame enough to share the shocking numbers with you all. Yes, I did keep a rough spreadsheet, just because I really bum statistics - the numbers never lie :p

To summarise myself (subjectively) - no Hugh Jackman, but fairly passable (check Rogues gallery if you're really intrigued). Educated, good banter, well-spoken, quirky but not weird. I do have a history of punching above my weight, albeit successfully IRL, but apparently this doesn't work so well online!

So here goes:

[U]PoF[/U] (fairly old numbers, profile rage-deleted ages ago)

Total sent     : 104

Read & deleted : 28
Read, no reply : 36
Unread         : 37

Replied        :  3


Total sent     : 170 (approx)

Replied        : 11

In most cases, girls just replied with single line messages so the conversation just fizzled out (I took that as a sign of them not really being interested, but not being mean enough to just ignore a message). I got like maybe 2 or 3 messages in total from girls instigating a convo... but from Russ' "dude criteria" a few pages back, they may well have been fakers :rolleyes:

So yeah, basically *EPIC FAIL* sums that lot up fairly well... not really sure where I'm going wrong!


Thanks for that Sumanji. I'm so glad its not just me.

I am giving it one last try with the girl I am talking to now and then thats enough.
I've given this a go again, after seeing this thread. Actually talking to a girl that's bright, pretty, holds a conversation well.

Likes computer games, drinking, football and general sport. Texts and speaks normally and lives within 2 miles from me...

Where's the catch?! There's gotta be something up here
I've given this a go again, after seeing this thread. Actually talking to a girl that's bright, pretty, holds a conversation well.

Likes computer games, drinking, football and general sport. Texts and speaks normally and lives within 2 miles from me...

Where's the catch?! There's gotta be something up here

Que the "Shes a man" posts :)
I've given this a go again, after seeing this thread. Actually talking to a girl that's bright, pretty, holds a conversation well.

Likes computer games, drinking, football and general sport. Texts and speaks normally and lives within 2 miles from me...

Where's the catch?! There's gotta be something up here

See my post here:

I would say if 'she' ticks 2/3 of those (dependent on the severity) then you've got yourself a helmet hider. If not, she's a rider!
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