Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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... ive still got it, it never left me. i want to meet people that have interlectual thoughts but not always all the time say them. i want someone who is seen and not heard unless i spank them in which case they can say something like ouch or wee. but not wee on me.

Internet dating is overrated. The women on there either come across as desperate or just too picky.

I've had my fair share of meeting women off the net (started when I was 19). Some I have enjoyed their company (the latest was going to Dublin for a dirty weekend ;)), others I am glad I didn't meet through warning from friends who have had the displeasure of meeting their acquaintances. Then there are those who you just want to stay friends with cos you've had great conversation with them and you just like it like that.

But overall, never using a dating site again.
I agree, a lot of them seem either really picky like they are gods give when half of them are ugly as sin and they make unreasonable demands like saying you must go to the gym yet they are bult like jabba the hutt or saying stuff like "no picture, no reply", yet they don't have one.

I don;t think i live in the best location, most girls close by are all single mothers my age with 2 kids already and usually can't spell.

Ah well, might just try the Intermate incounter thing with a bored housewife.
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I agree, a lot of them seem either really picky like they are gods give when half of them are ugly as sin and they make unreasonable demands like saying you must go to the gym yet they are bult like jabba the hutt or saying stuff like "no picture, no reply", yet they don't have one.


hit the nail on the head.
Right, this is my "review" of internet dating so far. I've been on PoF for a few days now just to say "I've tried it". I'm not Brad Pitt but I'm not an uggo either. I'm a 6/10 on a good day so I don't waste my time messaging the really hot ones, so I go for the ones who I would normally chat to on a night out. I've had some nice girlfriends in the past and while I'm not a "player" I have no problem chatting and flirting with girls on a night out. But online dating appears to be a whole different ball game...

I'd say my profile is at least mildly amusing. I made an effort not to sound too serious so it's light hearted while listing my interests. Oh and I ticked the box that I'm said I'm not looking for sex(!).

I've had 9 messages so far. Now even though my interests include tennis, snowboarding, running and coupled with my build type listed as "athletic" (which is true), 5 of them were at least a couple of stone overweight and 2 of them were very overweight. Clearly they are not interested in being active so not sure why they bother messaging me at first but I'll come back to this in a moment.

The remaining 2 were nice looking and in fairly good shape. The first one sent me something innocuous like "Nice profile, how was your day?". I replied with an anecdote about something funny that happened the day before and then nothing. No reply!

I exchanged a few messages with another girl, she seemed really chatty and we got on well. Last night around 12:30 I told her I had to go to bed because had to be up at 7 for work. Once again, nothing. The conversation wasn't peetering out, it was going well with long messages from both of us so it made no sense.

Finally, here is the best one of the lot. I was bored one night and spotted someone who had looked at my profile without a photo. So I thought what the hell I'll throw her a bone (no, not that kind you dirty people) and sent her a jokey message. The next day I get the old "Read - Deleted". Bear in mind that this is a user with no photo so is probably ugly or very shy and it's highly doubtful she gets many messages and here's the kicker - in order to message her she has specified that YOU must have a photo! I sent her a sarcastic follow up message about hypocritical photo requirements and advised her where the "block user" button was :D

So my conclusions so far for women in their 20's on PoF:

  • The majority of women on PoF are overweight (I'm not being mean, it's just a fact)
  • Lots of them have kids (not sure on numbers - say 1 out of 4?)
  • The hot ones get 100's of emails per day so unless you are a very attractive guy you WILL be ignored
  • The male to female ratio is around 5:1 so even the ugly ones start getting picky
  • Many women are just looking to feed their ego. Once they get a reply they'll think "ok so I could have this guy if I wanted, now let's see if I can do any better". I doubt if some of them are even single.
  • Being funny helps a little but looks are far more important. Yes most women are superficial despite what they say. Men are too but at least we are up front about it :D

Perhaps the same applies to men, but we'd need a female perspective to post something on that.

So don't waste your time, go join a tennis club, take a dancing class, do circuits... just do something that will get you interacting with women in real life because they all put internet dating to shame. I met my last 2 girlfriends playing tennis and doing circuits at uni and they were far more attractive than the girls who reject me on PoF!
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I'm having a bit of luck, I have to say, though I am VERY surprised. Of course, I messaged her first aswell...

I'm not bothered if it goes well or not, i'm playing myself as I am, not trying to "change to get accepted", that's so much hard work, and in my experience never pays off anyway, especially with these pof girls.

I'll post back Saturday, it's when i'm actually going to meet her. Yes, i've got my mate all sorted with a pre-empted reply if I message him "Alright mate, what's happening?". He'll then ring me and claim to be my dad asking me to come urgent.

Nothing ventured nothing gained, though could lose a bit of my time... and i've even covered that aspect with a sly text :P

Best date I've ever had I have to say, not on topic with this, as it wasnt an internet date, but I went to see Bruno with her, just because I wanted to see it. We sat, watched, said nothing (she was ugly... it was one of *those* drunken nights, and thought she looked nicer than she was), I then drove home without even saying goodbye :)
Rage-deleted OkC account and unsubbing from this thread (again!).

Far too much effort, **** all reward. Back to the old fashioned way methinks...

Rage-deleted OkC account and unsubbing from this thread (again!).

Far too much effort, **** all reward. Back to the old fashioned way methinks...


Glutton for punishment re subbing to it in the first place??

just don't give the place your time of day and leave it until someone messages you, no harm in that surely.
It's just another avenue to let people see you are single. If nothing comes of it, so what.

Less rage dude
So don't waste your time, go join a tennis club, take a dancing class, do circuits... just do something that will get you interacting with women in real life because they all put internet dating to shame. I met my last 2 girlfriends playing tennis and doing circuits at uni and they were far more attractive than the girls who reject me on PoF!

Very good review :) Says everything ive found about it :P Some of the girls who are on there in the London area are pretty decent, but then you've got to think "why are they on there then?" if they fit the clubbing very social type :)
So my conclusions so far for women in their 20's on PoF:

  • The majority of women on PoF are overweight (I'm not being mean, it's just a fact)
  • Lots of them have kids (not sure on numbers - say 1 out of 4?)
  • The hot ones get 100's of emails per day so unless you are a very attractive guy you WILL be ignored
  • The male to female ratio is around 5:1 so even the ugly ones start getting picky
  • Many women are just looking to feed their ego. Once they get a reply they'll think "ok so I could have this guy if I wanted, now let's see if I can do any better". I doubt if some of them are even single.
  • Being funny helps a little but looks are far more important. Yes most women are superficial despite what they say. Men are too but at least we are up front about it :D

correct, correct, correct, correct. :D Must have been on POF for over a year, in that time, ive met and got on really well with 1 person, and thats it. The rest are as stated above, the most attractive gets tons and tons of message from randy (6 pack) ripped shirt, posing, black and white photo blokes, so your chances of getting a reply are slim unless your attractive, and have something about you. But as you say a lot are on there to feed their ego, how many messages can i get, how many men can they get chasing them.

... Im off to join a tennis club :D
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I have signed up for PoF, profile is very basic and rubbish though tbh. But what sort of messages do you send to "break the ice" so to speak?

I have tried a few approaches, had a couple of responses but nothing else really :confused:


Edit: any good other sites? :p
I've been invited round a womans house for the first meet :eek: and been told to bring alcohol. LOL
If this goes the same way as the last one that did that... oh dear.

The only other free one is OK cupid I think.
The funny profile seems to work best..
Had more hits and replies this time round than I ever did before, even some oldies dropping in to say " love the profile... even though they are not interested"
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I found your analogy with TK Maxx amsuing :)

How many messages do you get with a long profile like that and only one pic of you with half your head chopped? :p
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