Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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:eek: Second date tomorrow (tonight?? :eek:) night... Just (3 days ago) signed up to OKCupid too, got a couple of people messaging me / me messaging them :p ... :)
Well I just stuck a new profile up on Plenty of Fail... lol, good times! :D


2 messages already! Result... must be a better profile this time! :D "HaveAnotherGo" if anyone wants a laugh
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I've had a couple of messages on PoF, nothing interesting me though thus far! I think my standards are just far too high :p
I've had a couple of messages on PoF, nothing interesting me though thus far! I think my standards are just far too high :p
same here.. i've had 7 or 8 messages so far, but i'm just not interested at all... and some of the messages just put me off: "excuse me, i am writing a term paper on most gorgeous girl in the world, regarding this if i could interview you."
same here.. i've had 7 or 8 messages so far, but i'm just not interested at all... and some of the messages just put me off: "excuse me, i am writing a term paper on most gorgeous girl in the world, regarding this if i could interview you."

Haha how cheesy!!!! :D

Quite obvious he has got that off some random 'how to pick up women on dating sites' website.
exactly. i have about 7+ people on my list and I have no idea who they are because they've never bothered to say hello :p

sorry to hear you and gf broke up :(

I'm still single :(

Being single isn't the worst thing ever, don't worry! You're a good looking girl and come across lovely, I guess you should just not try to force it! It's something I'm having to learn my self.

same here.. i've had 7 or 8 messages so far, but i'm just not interested at all... and some of the messages just put me off: "excuse me, i am writing a term paper on most gorgeous girl in the world, regarding this if i could interview you."

Should have taken that one, he sounds like a winner! Hahaha.
Being single isn't the worst thing ever, don't worry! You're a good looking girl and come across lovely, I guess you should just not try to force it! It's something I'm having to learn my self.

yeah i know. Im not any dating sites right now. I'm just sorting myself out and seeing friends :)
yeah i know. Im not any dating sites right now. I'm just sorting myself out and seeing friends :)

Best way to be i guess. I think I might follow your lead.

Was meant to have that date tonight which is no longer happening now, I'm stuck at work (overtime though), so have had to cancel :(
hahaha, I just tried to sign up to eHarmony and it told me it couldn't help me. Somes up my relationship seeking pretty well.

Don't worry chief, I know a few people that has happened to. Probably not that many people in your area or something.

It's not you it's the computer. :D
Don't worry chief, I know a few people that has happened to. Probably not that many people in your area or something.

It's not you it's the computer. :D

What amuses me is the fact that it does not even let you browse the website at all, it just gives you the two finger salute and pretty much blocks you from doing anything!

Oh well, PoF let me in :P
hahaha, I just tried to sign up to eHarmony and it told me it couldn't help me. Somes up my relationship seeking pretty well.

I read somewhere that it's a heavy Christian run site, so your religious choices may have had an impact on this - I know mine did when it told me to sod off :P
lol i if you wanna join me haha :)

Babe just you and me.... :p

Nah seriously, if you wanted to sell them on a reasonable price I'd probably take them.

same here.. i've had 7 or 8 messages so far, but i'm just not interested at all... and some of the messages just put me off: "excuse me, i am writing a term paper on most gorgeous girl in the world, regarding this if i could interview you."

You are on ocuk, you are a girl, you have decent tastes and can actually write articulately....

I would love to meetup at some point. Hell I live 80+ minimum miles away and I still would. Though I am 20, so I'm not sure if that is to off putting for you.
What amuses me is the fact that it does not even let you browse the website at all, it just gives you the two finger salute and pretty much blocks you from doing anything!

pretty sure eHarmony doesn't let you browse, just matches you with new people every so often. Not that I'm on it or anything :p
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