Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Anyone else on POF finding their inbox says there's a new message, but nothings in there? The girl I was chatting to hasn't replied in a few days and I got all excited :(
good luck hilly!

i've just jacked in OkStupid too, now done with the whole 'online dating' thing altogether. blah!
i always used to think that dating sites are just for losers who can't find anyone to like them... but then i've been single for almost 2 years and realised how hard it actually is to meet someone in real life... i mean the actual approaching someone, breaking the ice talking and getting to know them etc.

its nearly valentines day and it's got me thinking... so.... just decided to properly update my profile (created one ages ago but left it blank), tell me what you guys think of my message/description :p
i always used to think that dating sites are just for losers who can't find anyone to like them... but then i've been single for almost 2 years and realised how hard it actually is to meet someone in real life... i mean the actual approaching someone, breaking the ice talking and getting to know them etc.

its nearly valentines day and it's got me thinking... so.... just decided to properly update my profile (created one ages ago but left it blank), tell me what you guys think of my message/description :p

Sounds good, you sound a very interesting person indeed. But for the fact I live a bit to far away (or am I ;) ), I would definitely message you.

Also had the most amazing date ever last night. Couldn't have gone better.
Hahaha, Thankfully the one doing most of the man handling was definitely a "what went wrong" female, slim, fairly attractive anyway)

I will admit though that the others were beered up butch bitches from hell. :o :(
I escaped with my Gender and pride intact :D

what you doing in truro?

apart from shemales.
tbh I'd avoid Qdos if are not into that kinda thing.
, tell me what you guys think of my message/description :p
Generally it's a good profile, although I would remove the negativity - it can be off-putting. I would also swap your pictures around to make the other one your main photo - you're attractive and it's the first impression that makes a man decide to visit on PoF (unless he's viewing everyone!). If you were about 300 miles closer and I was looking for a date, I'd message you based on that profile :D
i always used to think that dating sites are just for losers who can't find anyone to like them... but then i've been single for almost 2 years and realised how hard it actually is to meet someone in real life... i mean the actual approaching someone, breaking the ice talking and getting to know them etc.

its nearly valentines day and it's got me thinking... so.... just decided to properly update my profile (created one ages ago but left it blank), tell me what you guys think of my message/description :p

Nice profile. You're negatives aren't really negatives so I would keep them as your interested in dating i.e. there is no point in matching up to someone else if it based on wrong assumptions.

I would agree with the previous comment, change your pics around so that the second one is your main.
thanks for the input guys!
i've now updated my profile, but haven't had any messages from anyone yet..
well, i did receive a few random 'hi, omg ur gawjus, pls msg back xxxx' messages before i changed the mail settings last night.. so those went straight to the trash can!
I agree with most, remove a bit of the negativity and you'd have a profile I'd definitely message. (if I were single and didn't hate RnB. ;))
Sounds good, you sound a very interesting person indeed. But for the fact I live a bit to far away (or am I ;) ), I would definitely message you.

Also had the most amazing date ever last night. Couldn't have gone better.

seconded profile looks fine - im outgoing and prefer the outgoing type too.

acidity wernt you playing bad company with me last night? :D
thanks for the input guys!
i've now updated my profile, but haven't had any messages from anyone yet..
well, i did receive a few random 'hi, omg ur gawjus, pls msg back xxxx' messages before i changed the mail settings last night.. so those went straight to the trash can!

You're a good looking girl AND drive a BMW. How have you been single for 2 years?!
seconded profile looks fine - im outgoing and prefer the outgoing type too.

acidity wernt you playing bad company with me last night? :D

There would be more chance of me going out with kate moss than my laptop being able to play bad company :(

I had my own bad company ;) thank you very much.
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