Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Right, date summary so far:

#1 - Very hot, not very good english, went out a few times, didn't last long.
#2 - Wasn't as hot as her photo, slightly desperate, stayed friends.
#3 - Got on very well, she wasn't looking for a relationship.
#4 - Hot but boring, went out another time, but I was too young for her.
#5 - Blonde, party animal, not my type, stayed friends.
#6 - Date is tomorrow.
After girls saying they'll meet, give their phone numbers and then subsequently give their excuses, I haven't had an internet date for a while...

...until now.

This Thursday night a 21 year old female rugby-horseriding-icehockey player is coming over to Chez !bluetonic!'s for dinner.

To recap my recent history:
#Split up with ex in Feburary
#She moved out
#Joined Swindon's Rugby League Team as my ' Foreign Legion' to take away the heartache
#Tried to get a female housemate, ended up with a male one
#Been without a women for a while and started to find all the older single women around my estate attractive
#Joined PoF and had nothing for ages and now the above and another girl are keen.
#Got a job in a bar and working with younger female bar staff.

Hopefully it'll go okay.

I thought I'd jinx it by posting all on this thread.
I enjoyed internet dating.

As with anything, any individual's mileage may vary, but I put a bit of effort (and money) into it and I got back a lot too. I had some great dates, met some nice girls, upset a few (by finishing it), got upset myself once (it seemed fair :D) and now I've been with someone for ages (steadily heading towards our first anniversary) and I'm having loads of fun.

I would say, however, that I preferred the pay dating sites to the free ones. Free ones are....well, you can use them as a laugh - if someone has paid £20 and they're sending you a message, that says one or two things straight away (they have spare cash which is essential - no freeloaders!, or they're really serious...or both!).

If something were to happen with my current relationship, heaven forbid, then I would go straight back to the paydate sites. Well, after a suitable period of mourning, of course.
Hmm well i have actually met a very very nice Australian girl that moved to England a few weeks ago and it has been going very well, we get on like we have been best friends since we were kids and it seems to be moving on very nicely.
Right, date summary so far:

#1 - Very hot, not very good english, went out a few times, didn't last long.
#2 - Wasn't as hot as her photo, slightly desperate, stayed friends.
#3 - Got on very well, she wasn't looking for a relationship.
#4 - Hot but boring, went out another time, but I was too young for her.
#5 - Blonde, party animal, not my type, stayed friends.
#6 - Date is tomorrow.

I’ve always found that woman like to remain friends with guys, but not the other way around. Unless, and I’m not looking to spark argument, the bloke is homosexual. Gay guys seem to always befriend woman, as they make excellent ‘none sexual’ boyfriends for woman, but straight men just can’t get over the fact that they aren’t able to get into the girls panties, or just don’t fancy them…

Internet dating isn’t really a place, I found to make any woman friends, as if the spark isn’t there from day one, its never going to amount to anything.

I’ll be honest, and I’ve advocated this since trying internet dating the only way to really get to meet anyone is to just invest some time in putting yourself out there on the real world, and just be yourself.

As for pay date sites being more selective with the timewasters, erm nah. Don’t kid yourself, it just means your investing more money into something you could use for just hitting the town, club or event to help you meet in the real world. I had a LOT of timewasters on pay date sites last year..... It was amazing how many flaked on you after you got their number......

Anyone seen the latest advertisements for Disgraceful, if you were naive, you’d believe the site was full of hot, well educated eligible young men, with equally hot woman looking for ‘you”, however its designed for one thing, to make you join….. I can’t help feel how many after seeing these ads will be surly disappointed.

Nothing betters being yourself, with a bit of confidence mixed in, in a crowd, making yourself known in real life.

Its worked like this for years before the internet, however it is nice to read a few do have success, so good luck to anyone who tries…..

You've come a long and thoughtful way from your earlier posts/threads about dating.

You're right about just being yourself. I've found my own life again and enjoying doing what I want to do when I want to do it.
Hmm... got a couple of ladies messaging me at the moment...

This is the first one, bit of a BOBFOC* to be honest, her body is top-notch but the face doesn't really do it for me. She's also too keen, which always sends off alarm bells.



However this one is a beaut, she's a singer/dancer Yorkshire lass who lives in London who messaged me for a chat a few days ago and just asked me out for a drink:



Think i'll take her up on the offer... :D

* = Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch
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However this one is a beaut, she's a singer/dancer Yorkshire lass who lives in London who messaged me for a chat a few days ago and just asked me out for a drink:



Think i'll take her up on the offer... :D

* = Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch

London you say......? ;)

Is it wrong that I have written off a prospect because, after going through some photos of her on FB, ALL of her mates are really ugly?

Oh well, I have a non-internet met lady who is the object of my affection at the moment, I just need to pluck up the courage to ask her out on a date.
Is it wrong that I have written off a prospect because, after going through some photos of her on FB, ALL of her mates are really ugly?

Err yes... what does it matter as long as she herself is fit? That's taking vanity too far my friend!

Oh well, I have a non-internet met lady who is the object of my affection at the moment, I just need to pluck up the courage to ask her out on a date.

Pic? ;)
Err yes... what does it matter as long as she herself is fit? That's taking vanity too far my friend!

She isn't uber fit, she's ok, easy enough to talk to, but she's an Essex lass, so I have no idea how chavvy she or her friend may be. I really can't do the chavvy thing, call me a snob or whatever, but I really just can't, lol!

Stupid sidewise thing
Ahh chavvy... that's not the same as ugly (well generally it is, but you know what I mean)!

I remember seeing that girl besore in one of your pics, she looks nice. :)
Ahh chavvy... that's not the same as ugly (well generally it is, but you know what I mean)!

I remember seeing that girl besore in one of your pics, she looks nice. :)

She's amazing, I have to work so hard not to look over-eager :(
Spotted a reasonably good looking (but old) pygmy on POF and on the profile was her MSN addy, so I added it... :D

About a week later, I was logged in at work, was pretty busy and she said hi, I mentioned I was really busy and to chat later..

Moving on another week,
At work again, but this time in my lunch break, all mates chatting away in there and she pops up online so I make a quick off the cuff comment to her tag line.
this is 12.57pm..
at 1.06pm she says (after not so much as a "what you up to then") "would you like a pic".
Just as I was typing "that would be nice" or something, up pops about 10 accept or reject pictures (I'm sure you know how it works.)

Lets just say all I said afterwards was..

"Oh ! :eek: "

Suffice to say, they are not suitable for posting here. :D
After trawling through 20 pages, I've managed to find 4 interesting looking ladies, messages sent, let's see who responds :)
Woot! Reply from the hottest of the bunch!

Blonde one

LOL how funny is that? I was just looking at her profile and pics and she is almost freakishly good-looking, out of my league too due to the uber-height (sad but true, you need to be 6ft 1' to even get a sniff of girl s like that generally). I bet you £100 she's bloody high maintenance... though the thought of tapping a face and body of that quality is a tad* appealing.

*in a rat up a drainpipe kind of way.
LOL how funny is that? I was just looking at her profile and pics and she is almost freakishly good-looking, out of my league too due to the uber-height (sad but true, you need to be 6ft 1' to even get a sniff of girl s like that generally). I bet you £100 she's bloody high maintenance... though the thought of tapping a face and body of that quality is a tad* appealing.

*in a rat up a drainpipe kind of way.

Well she's the same height as me, and her randomness is certainly in tune with my weirdish nature, plus we share a common antipodean bond :p

She seems cool though, can't hurt to get to know her :)
I've been talking to one girl for over 7 years, we have never met though. We rarely talk via the web now , most of it is done through texting. Maybe 300-500 texts a month, going up to 1000 if something dramatic has happened.

With the amount of money I spent on bills/credit I could have got married and divorced a few times.

It's a weird friendship, and one many people wouldn't understand (not sure if I do fully), but it works. Couldn't imagine being without her.

thats quite interesting as i have a male friend like that who i have been speaking to for nearly 7 years now. we mainly text as he works long shifts. may sound odd but if i've ever needed a friend to talk to he has always been the only one there for me. We have never met purely because we havent been single at the same time. however we both are now so are hoping to once he gets better. (unfortunately he's really sick at the moment :( ) i dont think anything would ever develop between us as he lives so far away but it would be nice to finally meet in person.

i have tried internet dating... didn't go so well

1st bf met on ICQ, were together nearly 4 years, lived together and were engaged but started to grow apart and other factors got in the way so i eventually ended things.
2nd bf, he contacted me through faceparty i wasnt interested then a few months later he sent me an email and we got talking. looking back now i think i was hurting from 1st bf and on the rebound although at the time i didnt think i was.
we lasted 18 months, it was a very violent relationship, i shouldnt have stayed that long but at the time thought it was all i deserved.

3rd bf met him on love@lycos about a year after the 2nd guy. seemed to hit it off really well, then a few cracks started to appear and 5 months later he split up with me saying he didnt know what he wanted anymore.
about 2 months later he asked for me back. i said no the first 20 times then after a few weeks of talking he did seem different, so took him back and we were really hitting it off, ten times better than before, he really did seem to have changed....until 5 months later he tells me "i dont know what i want" :(

so am now single again although havent been looking - just having some me time. my sister and bro in law said they would "disown" me if i ever did internet dating again. they also said i should meet someone the "normal" way but imo the only guys ive met in pubs/clubs have only been after one thing. my friends and i arent that interested in going out a lot to the pub, only on big nights out where we go to a club, so i rarely get the chance to meet anyone new or anyone whos not just after a quick "fumble".

a work colleague has met someone through which i have thought about but im still getting over my ex at the moment.
Ignore your sister and your brother in law, some people are still dinosaurs when it comes to the whole online dating thing. My personal prediction going form the last couple of years is that by 2015, 80% of the dating we do will be from internet sites, and most people of our generation or younger will be a member of one.

Internet dating is here to stay, and is as valid as any other form of dating... not to mention a shedload cheaper and less stressful than going to your local crappy club on a friday or saturday night.
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