Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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well been talking to the female me now for a few days and getting on really well. she is really up for meeting which can only be a good thing. shame the timing isn't great, but hopefully if she is as keen as she seems she will still be interested in a few weeks.
i hate the thing with girls.. why wouldn't they message first? i mean seriously.. like a guy message.. some girls are checking my profile out everyday.. hinting or something i dunno but cba to message either.. :(

It's ridiculous! I get emails from POF that say 'xxxxx wants to meet you'...Why didn't she message then????

To make things worse, you're generally always the one that has to carry the conversation along!

I've only used it barely two days and already encountered these issues :p The most awesome girl I've been messaging is one who actually makes an effort with the conversation and has a good laugh!

Got a couple of numbers when I was out last night, I still think the old fashioned way of meeting people in real life works best for me but here's my profile:
Rip me to shreds :p
well been talking to the female me now for a few days and getting on really well. she is really up for meeting which can only be a good thing. shame the timing isn't great, but hopefully if she is as keen as she seems she will still be interested in a few weeks.

you need to strike while the iron is hot.
It's ridiculous! I get emails from POF that say 'xxxxx wants to meet you'...Why didn't she message then????
Because we're hoping you guys would message first :D

Your first pic reminds me of...... Rupert Grint (guy from Harry Potter) :o :p

I think your profile could do with more pics. You've kept the 'About Me' section pretty brief - a bit too brief for my liking. Maybe expand a bit more on your interests?
Got a couple of numbers when I was out last night, I still think the old fashioned way of meeting people in real life works best for me but here's my profile:
Rip me to shreds :p

doesn't really cover a lot in that profile :p

you list an interest in music/gigs but not what sort of music.

cars always gets me, do you mean looking at, driving, fixing......not really too clear.

Love a genuinely lovely and awesome personality!

is it just me that thinks this just doesn't read right?
Are you serious??????????? :o :(

First time I've heard that one! Jeez....

surely looking like someone from harry potter is a good thing because just on the basis of statistical odds from the vast numbers who watched said films. You are bound to tick someone's box for dream date

is it just me that thinks this just doesn't read right?

grammar fail yah
surely looking like someone from harry potter is a good thing because just on the basis of statistical odds from the vast numbers who watched said films. You are bound to tick someone's box for dream date

Hmmm, perhaps!

doesn't really cover a lot in that profile :p

you list an interest in music/gigs but not what sort of music.

cars always gets me, do you mean looking at, driving, fixing......not really too clear.

is it just me that thinks this just doesn't read right?

Yeah, it doesn't read right, was quickly written as I was signing up, had absolutely no idea what to right.

I haven't put a lot of information but I've got two interests and practically 1 date out of it within a day or so....Can't have done that much harm :p

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend :(

You now look a bit like Matt Damon in your first pic. Better? :D

I'm not offended, should've put a ' :p ' at the end of my sentence lol. It's just weird being compared to a ginger child actor lmao!
I haven't put a lot of information but I've got two interests and practically 1 date out of it within a day or so....Can't have done that much harm :p

yeh, I think mine is too over written doesn't leave much to talk about. so keeping it simple leaves room for them to ask.
were the 2 interests people you messaged first or did they message you?
yeh, I think mine is too over written doesn't leave much to talk about. so keeping it simple leaves room for them to ask.
were the 2 interests people you messaged first or did they message you?

Yeah, I prefer to have a bit of banter rather than spilling the beans right away, leaves nothing to talk about!

I love it when girls put 'no creeps, pervs, weirdos' etc, always the best conversation starters :p

One of them said they'd like to meet, the other I messaged having a laugh about stuff in her profile. The one I'm now texting(date on the cards) I just asked about stuff I was interested in on her profile.

It's funny, I signed up because I couldn't meet a decent girl in a bar/club(one that I'd actually call the next day, anyway)....Then I go out last night and meet a genuinely awesome girl :p
i hate the thing with girls.. why wouldn't they message first? i mean seriously.. like a guy message.. some girls are checking my profile out everyday.. hinting or something i dunno but cba to message either.. :(

Pretty simple, women are wimps that can't handle rejection, hence they would rather wait for the man to make the first move. They go on and on about equality and being treated the same as men etc, but then still expect the man to make the first move, carry the conversation and such.
First date tomorrow night been talking to her for a few days got quite a lot in common still really nervous, aint been on a proper "date" before.

Wish me luck.
First date tomorrow night been talking to her for a few days got quite a lot in common still really nervous, aint been on a proper "date" before.

Wish me luck.

good luck. is this a 'proper date' like a meal or something, or just a few casual drinks?

E: do you guys feel that once you find one someone you really get on with, you lose interest in the other ones that you were talking to?
I know I should keep my option open, but the others tend to bore me now, where as one of them I look forward to talking to.
casual drink maybe some food came to the compromise I pick the time she picks the place as she lives in MK and I have no idea where is good round there.
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