Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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haha yeh it does feel like that. how quickly they turn from nice friendly people.

She may well be 'nice and friendly' as well, but from reading your other posts in this thread, the last person you need is someone with lots and lots of emotional baggage and insecurities.
Unless you are prepared to deal with the emotional baggage I'd stay clear - while on the surface it may seem harsh, if you aren't prepared to deal with it - it's nicer in the long run.
Deleted my account, absolutely useless

You have to make all the conversation and if you dont look good looking enough they will never message you

Bleh, real life for the
Unless you are prepared to deal with the emotional baggage I'd stay clear - while on the surface it may seem harsh, if you aren't prepared to deal with it - it's nicer in the long run.

You may be, but she clearly isn't. It will run you down. She just wants a shoulder to cry on.

yeh, I just feel mean like just after they come out with that and then doing a runner. since then, without being rude the conversation has started to die out.
Unless you are prepared to deal with the emotional baggage I'd stay clear - while on the surface it may seem harsh, if you aren't prepared to deal with it - it's nicer in the long run.

Deleted my account, absolutely useless

You have to make all the conversation and if you dont look good looking enough they will never message you

Bleh, real life for the

its all about the pics. im not exactly good looking, but im not fugly either. but a few semi ok pics has made a HUGE difference (and my pics are poorly taken :p)
Just let it fizzle out. Don't feel bad or mean. Think how many women you've messaged or spoken to who either don't reply or stop replying abruptly. Do you think they give a second thought to their actions? They've decided you're not for them. You should be able to do the same. Don't put women on these sites up on some sort of pedestal, it's the easiest way to set yourself up for a fall.
Just let it fizzle out. Don't feel bad or mean. Think how many women you've messaged or spoken to who either don't reply or stop replying abruptly. Do you think they give a second thought to their actions? They've decided you're not for them. You should be able to do the same. Don't put women on these sites up on some sort of pedestal, it's the easiest way to set yourself up for a fall.

yeh I thought if its starting to die down just let it fade out.
I be no means think of these women as anything other than pics and words :p I will play the long game and see who has staying power. plus like I said before, im away for most of august so no point making and plans for dates or all.
my ex left a bunch of hair oils and other hair stuff i don't understand at my house.. :o do i trow it away or donate it to ugly looking cats outside? :|
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