Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Had a bit of an episode last night.

Been chatting to someone on POF for a while now. Exchanged pics etc.

She looked ok from the pics I had seen so we decided to meet up last night. We had arranged that I'd just go round hers and watch a DVD and chill out.

Anyways I turn up, go inside her house. Look twice at her and realise she ain't that nice at all. Dressed up like a complete word beginning with S, golden hoop earings, looks like a man. Not my type at all but yet she looked quite reasonable from the pics.

I'm a polite kinda guy so just went along with it. We started watching the film and she pours us both a glass of wine. I say, I can't have this I'm driving. She says it's ok, I can stay over. :eek:

I accept the glass of wine but just put it on the table besides me and don't touch it.

Half way through the film she asks if I fancy a walk to the shop to get some beers. I say yea ok but insist I drive as I hadn't touched my drink yet.

The shop is within walking distance but I drove anyways. She went inside the shop to get said beers. I stayed in the car and pondered flooring it back home.

Moments later I look inside the shop. She is queing up with the beers. I kept saying to myself "i can't just go", "i can't just go". Seconds later the foots to the floor and I've left her in the shop.

I did actually feel really really horrible for doing it but I seriously didn't wanna spend anymore time with her.

I'm probably gonna get a flaming for this but meh, thought I'd share. :D
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One the internet people end up using the pics that make them look the best, this can be quite decieving as the lighting etc can enhance their looks. It happens and you get decieved and the final product you see is nowhere like the pics as in your case :D

I do love the fact she wanted to go get some beers....or should I say tins! :D
Flooring it:D

HAhahahahaahahahahahaah. You're a bad, bad man. Did you hear anything from her later on? :D

One the internet people end up using the pics that make them look the best, this can be quite decieving as the lighting etc can enhance their looks. It happens and you get decieved and the final product you see is nowhere like the pics as in your case :D

I do love the fact she wanted to go get some beers....or should I say tins! :D

Yeh this tbh. I got pics of friends on social sites and usually their display pics are really good if not professional almost.

It's funny how; with a digital camera, right makeup, lighting and picking the 1 in 10,000 pics that didn't look like someone gurning - they can look stunning, isn't it? :)

My advice for as little as it's worth: collect multiple pics, possibly have a webcam session if possible - before the meet so you have no problems with false advirtising and making reports to the FCC :D
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I've taken a break from PoF. Signed up for a laugh and have had a few decent emails/dates However, I seem to be a magnet for badly tatoo'd 30 somethings with a bunch of kids.

FB does seem to be a winner at the moment :D

How the hell does one date on facebook?

Do you just see all the women in your network and send random ones messages and add as friends?
Brilliant Steameh.

To cut a long story short I was talking to a girl a bit and she called me late Sat night/Sun morning. Chatted for 5 minutes then her FIANCE came on the phone, asked if I wanted to join the Ulster Air Force and then threatened to kneecap me with a shotgun.

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