Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Defiantly a good tip! Cracking of instant replies to everything is a quick way to shoot your self in the foot! (basically the fine line between keen and too keen)

Only other pro tip I have this week is if you get them on Facebook, clear it up up of awkward ex photos... I can't be bothered to do mine yet but it seems to put off the odd woman (saving the hard work for when worth while women gets to that level)
i spring cleaned my Facebook when i split up with my ex so that i wouldn't look at that stuff myself haha. But the one i got on Facebook wasn't even keen when we were talking on POF so i was suprised she even asked for my Facebook to be honest!

if me cracking of instant reply to one of these girls has put them off, then id be a bit annoyed at myself as she seemed really nice, she actually used proper sentences and spelling, and she didn't go on about "banter" in her profile!!! Haha
starting to fizzle out already....
current convo!

me: oh right haha
whats he called? (talking about her dog)


me:cool name!
i have 3 fish!


Me:so whats your favourite film of all time then?

her: Back to the future

whats your favourite tv show?


She either has a dry, twisted sense of humour (all good!), or "she's" actually giving you a hint.

That convo is really boring though, and that might've been her way of livening it up a bit/testing you.
If you stopped talking, you failed.
Should have built on her answers about the film and TV show instead of quickly moving on to the next question.
Should have built on her answers about the film and TV show instead of quickly moving on to the next question.
i did after i posted that.
i asked what catfish was, she gave me just a youtube link.
she then said she was going to bed.
next evening i dropped her another message, and really got the impression she didnt want to speak to me so i dropped it! haha
so the girl who put in no effort has been dropped, i asked if she wanted to know anything about me and i got no response..... haha

BUT! now im having a conversation with two different girls on POF! im normally lucky to get one!

if you get to the point where you have to even ask a girl if she wants to know anything about you, then she's not interested.

From reading your conversation that you posted it just seems a disjointed serious of questions punctuated by exclamation marks. It's not surprising that you're not maintaining too much interest based on what I read.

Make the questions a little more natural, deeper, and relevant to their everyday lives... what work they do, their hobbies etc.

At the moment I would guess any girl you talk to immediately thinks you sound and act very young, and girls are generally looking for someone a little more older and mature in the way they are treated.
i did after i posted that.
i asked what catfish was, she gave me just a youtube link.
she then said she was going to bed.
next evening i dropped her another message, and really got the impression she didnt want to speak to me so i dropped it! haha

I have more success if I crack jokes and just talk about crap rather than specific questions to be honest.
if you get to the point where you have to even ask a girl if she wants to know anything about you, then she's not interested.

From reading your conversation that you posted it just seems a disjointed serious of questions punctuated by exclamation marks. It's not surprising that you're not maintaining too much interest based on what I read.

Make the questions a little more natural, deeper, and relevant to their everyday lives... what work they do, their hobbies etc.

At the moment I would guess any girl you talk to immediately thinks you sound and act very young, and girls are generally looking for someone a little more older and mature in the way they are treated.

the first few questions i ask are normally, what do you do for a living, what hobbies do you have, what music and films are you into. not all in the same message though.
im going to try and make my messages seem a little more mature, although i dont mean to sound imature, i can see how it comes across! haha

one of the girls i was talking to yday is still speaking now, she last sent me message at around 12, im waiting a while to reply though to make sure it doesnt fizzle out. only down side is though, she lives in bloody saint austell, which is about an hour away from me, so should i get a date, will be a bit of a mission to meet her!
Right amusing question, what's everyone's views on returning messages to women who have no picture?!

I have had some woman from mk message me (and then with a second follow up, miss spelt hey sort of message) and well I feel bad that I asked why there was no picture as my first though! (And not does her computer have a spell checker). Anyway her response was I get idiot people message me when she does and I am scared she's a rapist.... Does everyone else just hide from people like this??
Right amusing question, what's everyone's views on returning messages to women who have no picture?!

I have had some woman from mk message me (and then with a second follow up, miss spelt hey sort of message) and well I feel bad that I asked why there was no picture as my first though! (And not does her computer have a spell checker). Anyway her response was I get idiot people message me when she does and I am scared she's a rapist.... Does everyone else just hide from people like this??

You never know, they might be fit. :D

Whether it be they are ugly or have a nervous disposition, it's still worth finding out if you find them attractive by asking for pics.
One essay message from India (of all places) the other day as I was setting off for work, it started off all well and nice, seemed good, plenty of info given and questions asked. I just skimmed her profile on my phone and decided to read the message fully later that evening and maybe reply but as I sat down and started to read what she’d written about herself loads of WTFing ensued.

Her demands were a shopping list. You should be able to talk for hours on the phone. You must know the meaning of the word procrastination without Googling it. You must not call her “darling” “babe” and so on. Further reading showed she didn’t like people who kept secrets and she is the type of person who reads a friend’s email and would pose as them online without them knowing because of it – Yikes. As I was reading another message came in asking if I’d seen anything I liked on her profile, no darling, I have not.

Her profile also stated she gets angry very often and gets into fights with people and is most likely to moan and complain.

And then the closer, her profile ended by saying that if you don’t fall into any of those from the shopping list but are “SUPER RICH” then you have “nothing to lose”… brilliant

Shame people like this (sociopaths) exist because the message was very well written, she’s quite decent looking and is well educated with multiple languages spoken fluently but sadly women like this are the worst kind to associate with and the kind that don’t know (or want to know) when they’re doing something wrong or ruining the lives of others.

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I've seen the profile and I can confirm she is utterly insane.




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So I'm thinking of signing up to a free site... Which one(s) would you guys recommend?
i only use POF, i did sign up for OKcupid but didnt carry on on with it.

POF is easy to use and has a decent profile structure IMO

create a profile on all the ones you fancy trying and then if you dont get along with them, delete the profile :)
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