Are there any dating sites for the disabled?
Granted, I'm overweight, but at the same time I prefer the fuller figured lady. That's a choice that I made.
What bugs me is that my disability is a choice that I didn't make. No one else in the family has it - it was a spontaneous mutation and I was born with it. It's called Stickler syndrome, which resulted in having only 1 eye, a -27 lens prescription which means that I see 2M with the lens or 1st 3 rows of the eyesight chart (which means that I can't drive), moderate-severe hearing loss where I need hearing aids full time, a lisp because of aforementioned hearing loss, shortened bones which caused me to be 5' 4" where the rest of the family are more like 5' 8", plus the lack of a nose which I had built later in life via plastic surgery which looks normal in shape but smaller than average. As I have a reduced mental capacity due to the disability, I've always had lowly-paid jobs at around the £13k mark where the rest of my family have been headteachers, head of dept, quantity surveyors and events manager (One Big Sunday, Hogmanay etc)
The point is that all of the above traits are undesirable to women, through absolutely no choice of mine. I was dealt a crap hand, probably in the bottom <1% in the sea of fish

So I think the only way I'm going to score is by going down the disability route. No woman wants a short sensory-impaired guy on low income and can't drive.
Dimple? Anyone? I know there are a few disabled on here.