Well I've been on pof for about a month now and didn't find any luck till now! I got talking to 2 girls, exchanged numbers and Facebook etc but didn't go on any dates

. One of them seems abit too shy and the other one just dropped contact, shame as we had so much in common!
I kept getting messages off girls who didn't attract me in the slightest, so I just gave up going on POF anymore, but sti had the app installed on my phone still. Out of the blue, got a message from a girl that I kinda knew (only knew her name and what she looked like) and went on from there! She seems nice enough, she is very attractive, and we seem to get on very well! Our first date was shopping at Trafford centre followed by a meal, and our second date we went to new brighton on the beach for hours, walked along the sea etc and went for a meal! Third and fourth date has been arranged for the weekend, going to Wales for the day on Saturday with her and her little niece (I don't mind, I get on with kids) and Sunday going to watch Will Smiths new film! I have to admit though conversations can become dry which I don't like, ill put more effort in when texting but I've learnt now not to give a crap! She also doesn't seem flirty or anything on dates, maybe she just needs time or is playing hard to get, I haven't got a clue!
One question: how long until you would ask the girl out? About 3 weeks? I know it's when you think your ready, but would be nice to hear other people's views!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, using my phone!