Caster hasn't been proven to have hyperandrogenism and therefore should compete as a woman or People with hyperandrogenism should be allowed to compete against women?
Bit of both:
She may well have Hyperandrogenism, but that doesn't mean she has the all-important daddy bags hidden away somewhere..
Most of what I've read regarding the causes state:
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Idiopathic hirsutism
Hyperandrogenic insulin-resistant acanthosis nigricans (HAIRAN) syndrome
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (classic and nonclassic)
Cushing’s syndrome
Androgen-secreting tumors (ovarian, adrenal)
The most common by far seems to be PCOS... which would mean she would need ovaries in order for them to be polycystic... which means she is female, no?
Whichever way you look at it, every time I look up anything about Semenya, it's always the same blanket statement - 'She has internal testes, no ovaries and no womb'... with not a single one citing any kind of source or reference whatsoever. No-one said, no inside source revealed, no leak of any reports or doctors' file... Just a blank statement that gets repeated.
So yeah - Hyperandroidism doesn't seem to mean Bloke.
I therefore base my opinion around that and think she's just a seriously unlucky woman, both in terms of appearance and especially in how her athletic ability is disregarded in favour of judging her on those looks alone.
IMO intersex people shouldn't be competing as women. I don't hold the opinion that they shouldn't be allowed.
Just that they cannot compete in the body they're born with...
though again your additional comments about looks etc.. are irrelevant
Isn't that how all this started, though?
Semenya looks blokeish and performs as good as a bloke, so they drag her aside and stick a thingy up her wotsit to see if she's made of sugar and spice?
and again completely irrelevant - we've been through this already though
do you believe a biological male who declares himself to be a woman ought to be able to compete for example?
Does he suddenly declare himself a woman, or was he born and raised a woman, living as a woman throughout his entire life, as well as being legally recognised as female in every aspect of that life?
no, nothing to do with semantics - I've highlighted that your analogy simply misses the point - that this concerns sex/gender is pretty fundamental
And the point is that, like her gender, Semenya has done nothing to create or develop any advantage. She has done nothing wrong, nothing unfair, nothing unbecoming.
Why should she change who she is just because her fellow athletes can't keep up?
to try to compare with IQ, height etc.. is fundamentally flawed.
Oh, so if there were a limit on IQ classifications in Chess, there are drugs you can take to bring yourself within that limit, yes? What about altering your height so you're short enough to compete in something?