When does this arrive for the iPad?
When does this arrive for the iPad?
I can't download it just sticks on 10-12 hours remaining >.>
Annoying that folders have a limit to what you can fit in. Got an overflow of games etc.
I've subdivided mine:
And a few of those are full too!
I've subdivided mine:
And a few of those are full too!
GOD!!! Ha Ha!!!
haha, yeah, in there is Fingerzilla, GodFinger, Pocket God, Virtual Villagers and We Rule. Putting 'God Games' as the title is silly as all the folders on that page are for games anyway
Good idea! Hadn't thought of that.
You have a lot of games
I reduced my app pages down from 5 to 2
My home page has all my most used apps - then I have another page with six folders Might increase the number of folders on it to be a little more specific
Dude you have too many games, you haven't even got phone, messages or email in your primary icons!!! Whats the Music icon???