What do people actually use jailbreak for now?
I jailbroke on iOS 4 and 5 and it was very useful. I jailbroke on 7 at one point but I found that there wasn't much I could do which was any use. Plus any of the good downloads became paid for...
GM seed available now
Are there any issues with iCloud / iCloud drive transition?
I'm trying to update to the GM but it's giving me an error that my device isn't eligible for this requested build. I'm on the Apple Dev.
You need to wipe the phone if it had a beta on previously
Will iOS8 be released with the iPhone 6's?
Is this what you're after?
iOS 8 GM seed - iPhone 5 (Model A1428) - 12A365/iPhone5,1_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw) = 8a8fecf91b3d0c15767c6f7d822b49d4
iOS 8 GM seed - iPhone 5 (Model A1429) - 12A365/iPhone5,2_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw) = 0fce7efd9a8c98286af52bd4e237827a