Firstly, in engineering and design there are trade-offs. This isn't opinion, this is fact. Given I work in Aerospace, I'm pretty clued up in that regard.
Good for you. Are you by any chance installing microelectronics on the aircraft? Because I'm pretty sure allowing for external storage isn't that big of a deal, given the sheer number of Android phones that allow for it.
I think the biggest trade-off is that Apple wouldn't be able to charge you £100 extra for £10 worth of storage. That is a real issue for them, and I'm sure you know it as an understanding Apple consumer.
Secondly, to clear up my point, was that the SG3 may have an SD card slot because it is a bigger phone due to other design choices and therefore has space for it.
Now you're implying that SGS3 is the only phone that allows for external SD. There are many smaller phones, around the iPhone's dimensions, that allow for external SD. And I'm sure Apple's genius engineers would be able to implement a solution without any major issues.
Thanks. I'm a sheep because I've been using Apple kit since 1995? Also are you saying every single Apple owner is a sheep? Narrow-minded much?
No, you're a sheep because you're defending a closed design that isn't consumer friendly in this instance. And your defensive stance on the subject is more than laughable. You don't allow for the possibility that your needs may not represent the majority. I'm pretty sure that if external storage was an option, most users would make a use of it.
I have not known that you had been using Apple computers since 1995, nor do I think it has anything to do with the subject of our discussion. I've never called "every single Apple owner" a sheep. Although I'm not sure if you mean the users of their products or shareholders.
I haven't said anywhere intensionally that the SD card isn't a priority on some-peoples purchase requirements. If it is yours, then the iPhone isn't for you.
No, but you said that you don't need nor want an external storage, therefore nobody else should want it on their iPhones, and if they think otherwise, they should get another phone. Doesn't that sound like some narrow-minded comment by an Apple fanboy? It does to me.
Anyway, I won't trouble you no more, I think I've expressed my position enough already. I appreciate that your opinion differs to mine, but do mind that people may not take your opinions seriously if you take a very extreme stance on the subject, and aren't open to the possibility that your beloved product may be flawed in some ways.
I like the build quality of Apple products, even with some flaws the new iPhone is much sturdier than SGS3, and the industrial design appeals to me. Battery life is exceptional, screen quality among the best, and the OS is smooth and well polished for the most part. With that said, I do prefer the open design of Android that allows me for much greater flexibility, but I wouldn't call myself an average user. I don't like overpaying for smartphones either, which is why cashback deals on Android phones are more desired for my needs, when I can often get the phone shortly after its release for 60-70% of the original cost, including the contract.
Windows 8 is shaping up nicely, so that may be my next upgrade, but I don't see myself going back to Apple any time soon.