iphone down to £169

MAAAAAY be getting this today if I can gather up some stuff to sell at a store in the town centre including my n95.

Question though, when you debrand the phone to update the firmware, does it unlock it aswell?
Ok ok one last "to confirm" post (ive been very busy,havent had time to read most of the thread)

I buy iphone, i buy 02 simplicity £25 a month with free web bolt on
I can use web on phne (even though its slow)
I can send files over bluetooth by downloading a program?
I can record videos by downloading a program?
I can send MMS by downloading a program?

Its very easy to unlock?
Random qu but for those who have it and have gone on the drink on nights out, hows it feel in your pocket? Does the bulkyness get annoying?
If anyones interested:
Looks like it is possible to buy unlocked iphones. From reputable sources as well.
Was just browsing around a shops website that my place sometimes uses for spares and the occasional phone, and they're listing an unlocked 16Gb iPhone for £504.

Would have thought Apple would make an announcement on this sort of thing?
Ok ok one last "to confirm" post (ive been very busy,havent had time to read most of the thread)

I buy iphone, i buy 02 simplicity £25 a month with free web bolt on
I can use web on phne (even though its slow) Yes
I can send files over bluetooth by downloading a program? When the program is available. A 3rd party app will be the only way to do it
I can record videos by downloading a program? Yes (i think)
I can send MMS by downloading a program? Yes

Its very easy to unlock? Yes
Random qu but for those who have it and have gone on the drink on nights out, hows it feel in your pocket? Does the bulkyness get annoying?

Suprisingly, it feels no different to any other typical phone I've had.
I thought it would feel bulky but nope! I'm VERY happy about the size of it. And for what it is, its quite light.
(imo, better than the TyTn II that I had, but then the TyTn II does have 3G/GPS, meh no big loss for me :D got TomTom already :))
Figuered out how to disable net access!
Use BossPrefs from installer and then just turn off Edge from the menu! (For some reason the "services" program doesnt work when you do this.)

Now if we can get a pdf reader, Im all set!
I'm on o2 simplicity at the moment with no data bolt on is it possible to just phone o2 now and get them to put it on straight away?

How much is your monthly tariff? It's free on £25 and above, but £7.50 for below that. So if you're on a £15 tariff, you may as well move to the £25 to get the HEAPS of extra calls and texts too.
Ok ok one last "to confirm" post (ive been very busy,havent had time to read most of the thread)

I buy iphone, i buy 02 simplicity £25 a month with free web bolt on
I can use web on phne (even though its slow)
I can send files over bluetooth by downloading a program?
I can record videos by downloading a program?
I can send MMS by downloading a program?

Its very easy to unlock?

I hope so cos that's my plan too.

Anyone know how 'unlimited' is 'unlimited'? Does anyone on it know?
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