iphone down to £169

I bought mine just over a week ago from O2 shop in Wakefield, the guy said they'd got "loads" in stock...that's probably changed now though!

...guessing slinky won't want to make that journey, though ;)
There are only 4 left in CPW in Nottingham at the moment.

Just got back from O2 with a new one in my hand. Had about 2 or 3 left, but if you phone up before hand, you can reserve one free of charge for the day.
woo managed to find one in a shop back home!
edit: the cambridge o2 store has loads (50+) if people are interested!
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Oh right thanks Nymins.

How come people were talking about how Ziphone cannot be brought back to BL 4.6 then? Or is boot neuter something new?

Is there a guide as to how to use it? Or is it easy as?

Not sure why people say ZiPhoned iPhones cant be upgraded to 4.6. I just did mine a few minutes ago! :D

Its very easy to use. http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11551730&postcount=221 Just go by the screenshot at the bottom of the page and hit flash and let it do its thing.
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