iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware 2.2 is up

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
It is up just now.
  • Podcast downloading
  • Google Maps Street View
  • Keyboard changes -Enable caps lock, disable auto correct
  • Changes to Safari (address bar always there now :( )
  • 'Bug fixes'
Personally i think they have tweaked the keyboard input again. Maybe it is my imagination. But i used to get a lot of miss types and sometimes it just wouldn't put a space in even when i hit it. But this morning it seems really sharp.

Could be all in my head though.

Sweet, been looking forward to Podcast-downloading on the handset

Me too, it's done quite well, you just download them off the iTunes store and you can download any one you want. But there is a 10meg limit over 3g, rest need to be wifi.
Another good thing is you can delete your podcasts by doing the finger swipe :cool:
People are reporting good speed increases across the board.

Mines jailbroken so I think i'll wait for the next release of pwn before updating :(
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