iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware 2.2 is up

Might give it another bash tonight then, whats the worse that can happen I suppose, it can freeze again, and I restore. :)

Im just doing it for the free .ipa apps. :)
Well, jailbroke 2.2 again.

Installed Installous and appshare to my iphone, all working good.

Installed the usual, Beejive, etc, I then installed Aqua Forest, after it installed, it went to load it up, but failed to load. So I deleted the app.

Now my iphone has gone all funny how it did the other day, cant get into it, keeps freezing etc.

Wonder what is causing it, could it be my phone? be interesting if someone wants to test it with their 3g seen if it happens.

Just restoring back...AGAIN
Well, jailbroke 2.2 again.

Installed Installous and appshare to my iphone, all working good.

Installed the usual, Beejive, etc, I then installed Aqua Forest, after it installed, it went to load it up, but failed to load. So I deleted the app.

Now my iphone has gone all funny how it did the other day, cant get into it, keeps freezing etc.

Wonder what is causing it, could it be my phone? be interesting if someone wants to test it with their 3g seen if it happens.

Just restoring back...AGAIN

Mines is JB to 2.2 without putting the installer on using quickpwn I have tried Aqua Forest and it is working fine and deleting it didn't affect the phone. I have not had any crashes or hangs since jail breaking it.
Mines is JB to 2.2 without putting the installer on using quickpwn I have tried Aqua Forest and it is working fine and deleting it didn't affect the phone. I have not had any crashes or hangs since jail breaking it.

At first I tried JB without putting installer on, but when I went to install Installous it would not let me because installer was not installed.

So then I restored and JB'd again, this time installing installer.

Did you download Aqua Forest legit from Appstore?
Weird Mull3t. I've installed Installous fine without installer...

Hmmm, first time when I JB without installer, and tried to install Installous I was told I could not install it as it had unmet expectacys or something like that...

Then I restored, JB'd again, this time with Installer & it let me intall Installous.

Have asked over at modmyi and they seem to thing in 2.2 delete the app from the springboard can cause my problems...

Anyone willing to try it :p
Just jailbroke again lol. This time I left out installer. And this time it let me install Installous. Also noticed it looks like a different version of installous, now my appshare and installous can all be done from one app.

Have also downloaded a app, and deleted it and all is good so far.

Touch wood.......
I just went from 2.1 JB to 2.2 on the 3G iPhone without any issues through iTunes. I will jailbreak it again using QuickPWN but I'm going to wait until the weekend as I'm taking it to the Apple store. I have a broken headset, the button packed up after a week of usage, the mic started to distort after about 3 and then I lost all audio in the right channel after about 5 weeks so I am going to try and get a replacement. I know Apple don't normally cover things like earphones but I'm going to give it a shot as I feel mine were faulty and should have lasted more than 2 months.
Yes, finally! If the company you buy it from is US based and uses those accounting standards (namely SAB 104 and SOP 97-2 being the relevant standards) then it would be illegal to provide additional functionality at no cost for a product with multiple deliverables (unless the product is covered by an ongoing fee arrangement - like the iphone). Reason being it would otherwise be possible for the company to cheat on the recognition of revenue, so they must charge appropriately for the additional functionality as laid out in the VSOE.

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