iPhone Jailbreak 1.1.3 Released

Lmao, you'll never guess what I've just done. To install Summerboard, you have to edit that list thing from 1.1.3 to 1.1.2, I did this again to see if it will change my theme. Whilst I was changing theme, my hand slipped, hit delete and immediately 'enter' and boom! systemversion.plist has vanished.

I fail.

EDIT: Version: N/A I now have a version-less iPhone. :p

There's now a 'DumpPanic' file there.
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What method did you try. Can you email me a link or post one whatever?

I want a method to take me from a non modified iphone o2uk 1.1.3 to a jailbroke 1.1.3

The 1.1.3 firmware updates the modem firmware, along with the phone software.

Once you update you can't downgrade the modem firmware.. which is why the phone wouldn't work when you did the jailbreak.

AFAIK, you're stuck on 1.1.3 unless you update from a jailbroke 1.1.2
Yeah, you're stuck with 1.1.3 un-jailbreakable now that the baseband has been updated.

You can take the phone apart to downgrade the baseband though.
Is it possible for someone to send me their Systemversion.plist? :p

Cba to upload it;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>1983-2007 Apple Inc.</string>
	<string>OS X</string>
Mac users! Man the battle-stations!

(I may have started another way because someone fails to read)

Generally though, I'm getting the idea that not many people are liking 1.1.3, apart from the obvious issues, are they any I have missed?
No, I meant you have to take the phone apart to be able to downgrade the baseband if you want to go back to the 1.1.2 baseband.

"You need to have a 1.1.2 4.6 phone for this to work. If you upgraded to 1.1.3, have fun waiting for 1.1.4!"


Kidloco, did you upgrade to apple 1.1.3 with a uk iphone? if so did you do the above hardware hack first? If not then you are stuck with 1.1.3
Well I bought my iphone back in November and since then I have downloaded via itunes
1.1.3 (this year)

Only these last two days I have considered jailbreaking and I haven't had much sucess. I have however got my phone jailbroke and running apps on 1.1.2 downgraded from 1.1.3 and the installer app was installed on 1.1.3 but wouldn't install anything from the source, installer etc.
Neither time I have been sucessful to unlock my phone so it will read my sim so both times I was using a phoneless iPhone.

I have absorbed a lot of information in the last 48 hours and its thrown me a little but I guess the ultimate answer is that I cant do this due to me installing 1.1.3 when it was released at macworld 08.

I have downgraded my 1.1.3 to 1.1.1. and upgraded to 1.1.2 and back upto 1.1.3 but I have been unable to downgrade my modem firmware which I assume is also called baseband from 04.03.13_G (where my problem lies? unless I take my phone apart which isn't an option)

Thanks for your patience
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