Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Had a great day at the outlaw half yesterday. Finished in 5:39 which I was happy with. Swim and bike went well overall. Struggled on the run.

Dolmio I'm sure you saw me and said something, and I think I just blanked you as I just didn't realise at the time! I was in my own little world of hurt!

Hope you race went well, I'm guessing you must have finished just ahead of me in the end.
Yeah that was me!! I saw you on the first lap but forgot to shout. Made sure on the second lap - think I shouted Thomas Overclockers but as you say I think your mind was on other things!!

That was definitely the best race I've ever done, both in my effort and the organisation.

I finished in 5:38:01 which I was amazed at as I was aiming at about 6:20.

Swim went better than I expected - 43:39, a full 9 minutes faster than at IM 70.3 last year so a massive improvement. Still a way to go but seeing big chuncks going off the time is very encouraging.

Bike I completed in 3:02 which again was the best I've done over that distance.

My legs felt fine after the bike and I set off with the aim of a 1:45 half marathon. First lap went by quickly and before I knew it I was at 10 miles. Last couple of miles felt hard but checking my splits my slowest mile was 8:23 and I finished in 1:42:53 averaging 7:51 per mile.

Drove back home this morning and apart from a bit of sunburn and slightly achy legs I feel good which is good as the training kicks off again tomorrow! :eek:
haha thought so, sorry about the blank stare!

Congrats on the race effort, sounds like you had a decent race!

I was hoping for sub 6 myself and was working it out on the way round estimated I should have it as long as I held together on the run which I did just about.

Had a decent swim and was out in 34 mins, and rarely two decent transitions too. Was a bit gutted on the bike as I was going really well, but then had to make an unscheduled stop at the second feed station where I think I lost about 3 or 4 minutes. I'll blog about that and explain it in full later though!

I got off the bike feeling ok, and settled into a first mile of 8:30 which is good going for me, but it just got slower and slower. I didn't have my HR monitor on my wrist, so looking at the data I could have pushed harder than I did during the middle of the run. Something for next time. Add that to the list for some new trainers, among other things too!

I'm left looking forward to IMUK though. Just need to really suck the training up now.

Snap on the sunburn, I've got a lovely tri suit outline in red on me. Very achey yesterday and today. Not helped by jumping in a car and driving 2 and a half hours home straight after the race (not my idea of a good recovery). So tomorrow's run session should be interesting!
Really good race report. Well done on the time I think we both did really well.

Don't worry about blanking me during the race. I'd probably have done the same if soon loon had shouted something at me after 5 hours of racing!!! :D

We ended up staying until the last person finished and then went into Nottingham for a couple of beers. I got home about lunch time yesterday and intended to work in the afternoon but fell asleep in front of the TV instead. Didn't realise how tired I was!

I'm also really looking forward to Ironman now. Sunday was very encouraging but still know IM is going to be so much tougher.

The next month is going to be extremely tiring. I want to get in another two 100+ mile bikes and get my long run up to 20 miles. My confidence in my swimming is getting better as well and I think I can safely hope to get well under 1:30 on the big day.

Now the Outlaw is done IM seems very, very close.
I finished Ironman UK 70.3 (Exmoor) on Sunday. It rained after about an hour onto the bike and didn't stop until about 10 mins after the run finish!

Exmoor bike course was very hilly but enjoyable, the run course was brutally hilly, spurred on by fantastic support all the way around.

35:25 (1.9KM)
Bike: 3:13:05 (90KM)
Run: 1:48:46 (22KM)
Overall: 5:47:00




Great day, such a buzz. I came 124th out of 1700+ people and 9th in the 18-24 age group.

Complete rest day on Monday then had a mega swim session early morning and ran 15KM this afternoon. Don't think I realized how tired I was as I crashed on my bed this afternoon for a few hours before dinner :)

Roll on Bolton, where is everyone staying?
Niceone! I was reading some of the race reports on tri talk, seemed pretty brutal weather by all accounts. I'd read the run turned into a bit of a mud bath by the end?! Very well done on your placing though, great effort.

I'm staying at the premier inn warrington north east. Booked quite late so couldn't get to any of the hotels next to the reebok. Booked two nights as I don't think I'll be up for a three hour drive after 13-14+ hours of ironman.
Niceone! I was reading some of the race reports on tri talk, seemed pretty brutal weather by all accounts. I'd read the run turned into a bit of a mud bath by the end?! Very well done on your placing though, great effort.

Saturday at registration was awful weather, VERY windy with heavy showers. Race day on Sunday felt like the wind had completely disappeared and it was even dry for the swim start... about 1hr into the bike it started raining, hard... and didn't stop until about 10 mins after I crossed the finish :p
Once I crossed the line I realized how cold and wet I was - I didn't feel good, 5 mins of scoffing in the post race marquee with chocolate cake, lemon drizz, oranges, melon and more power bars than you can shake a stick at... swiftly followed by a man size hot roast pork sandwich with apple sauce, I felt right as rain :)

All in it was a great day and an amazing experience, hovering over the 2014 booking page..... should I???
35:25 (1.9KM)
Bike: 3:13:05 (90KM)
Run: 1:48:46 (22KM)
Overall: 5:47:00

Roll on Bolton, where is everyone staying?

Cracking time for that course. Well done!!!

I'm staying at the Premier Inn at the Reebok Stadium for the weekend. Traveling down on the Saturday although I am tempted to go down on the Friday so I can relax more on the Saturday.

I went to an Ironman preparation day yesterday at Pennington Flash run by It was really useful as we got to swim in the lake and then cycle the first 14 miles of the course and then one 32 mile loop. They also had 2 pro triathletes (whose names I forgot to remember!) who gave us some insight into the day and we were given a talk on nutrition on the day and other tips.

It was good to find out that the bike course is nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. There is only one big hill, about 2 miles long climbing 600ft with a nice flat section at halfway. Apart from that it was pretty smooth sailing. A few inclines but nothing else I would describe as tough. The big hill will probably seem a lot harder on lap 3 though.

Having a ride out on the course has definitely upped my confidence and am now starting to get quite excited by it all!!!

Did have a moment of drama. Set of traffic lights and an ambulance stopped everyone. We just got going again and the lights tured orange. I was just over the white line and the bike 2 in front decided to slam on his brakes. Bloke in front crashed into him and he went flying and got a puncture. I slammed on my brakes which are a lot more brakey since I bought my new wheels and I did a mini somersault and my left calf landed on the curb. Hurt quite a bit and I've got a massive bruise which is increasing in size by the minute. Could have been a lot worse so I am feeling quite happy it's just an impact injury. If it had been 10cm further down I would have landed on my knee!!!!

Leg was aching this morning but I had the Gateshead 10km to do. Thought I'd give it a go and if it was too sore I would just stop. Anyway first mile it hurt then I forgot about it and ended up getting close to my PB in 42:02. Amazingly I beat my 5km PB at halfway at 20:18 so I think all this IM training is definitely toughening me up a bit. Finihsed 155th out of about 4000. Also on mile 2 I did the fastest mile I've ever run in 6:19. So it seems if you want a good run you should crash your bike the day before. :D
Ha niceone Dolmio! Wish my injuries would result in faster times!

I'm glad you have found the bike course not too bad, that makes me feel a little better about it, as its been really hyped up as a beast of a course. Have you got garmin or strava data for the course? Be interested to have a gander.

Really hoping to get up there soon and give it a crack before the big day as I think it will help, but time is getting a bit tight now.

Updated my blog for this week. Bit of a long one:
I'm glad you have found the bike course not too bad, that makes me feel a little better about it, as its been really hyped up as a beast of a course. Have you got garmin or strava data for the course? Be interested to have a gander.

Really hoping to get up there soon and give it a crack before the big day as I think it will help, but time is getting a bit tight now.

Hope your hamstring sorts itself out soon!!!

Data from my prep day:
How's it going fellas? Big training day for me tomorrow - 5 hour ride straight into 1 hour run.
Had another good week with only one bum session due to someone wanting to chat about Ironman in the pool and me being too polite to ignore him :)

Set two PB's tonight on my run;

PR on 15k (01:10:42)
PR on 10 miles (01:16:09)

Lets see what tomorrow brings, 6am Alarm :)

Great stuff Pete sounds like a good week.

I'm still unsure of the hamstring at the moment, haven't run at all this week but have cycled quite a bit and swam, but it's still giving me a bit if pain. Thinking I may just write this weekend off and try and start next week fresh having hopefully recovered. Difficult decision as I want I make the most of my peak weeks!
This just got ridiculously real. Sat in my garden feet up, aiming for a rare weekend of doing absolutley nothing and along comes the race instruction email complete with the race number I'll be wearing: 266. Massive :eek: moment.

Getting worried now.
Got my race number as well, 771

First of my 2 peak weeks done. Legs are tired this morning. Last week I did:

Swim: 1 miles
Bike: 177.69 miles
Run: 30.5 miles

I did the Virgin Cyclone on Saturday. It's a 105 mile ride with 8000ft of climbing, ie tough!! Took me 7:21 but I managed to get up all the hills even on my tri bike. Legs felt good enough to run on after but I decided to go home and eat a load of food instead.

Yesterday my thighs were a bit sore but I went out and did an 18 mile run in 2:33 so bang on 8:30 pace. It was a little faster than I expected and it would have been even better if the last 8 miles weren't into a head wind.

Having a rest day today and then back on it tomorrow. Aiming for a 112 mile bike on Saturday and 20 mile run on Sunday.

Next week I will be dropping the the bike and runs significantly and will use my taper weeks to increase the swimming just so I know I can do the distance.
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