So a much longer play and multiplayer...
Using my wits in this gameplay as I have no clue what I am doing... just reusing some button presses I recall from training.
Some dude said "F" your mom.. no idea if enemy or own team.
But it is the typical COD experience

Pretty typical team mate experience too, ended up leading the pack in one scenario as it seemd they were content just sitting still. Then got left behind when downed instead of reviving.
Still though, not even close to 8GB Vram used. Even at 4K.
I don't know how you are tapping out 24GB Vram on a 3090 mate.. seriously...
I hope the two videos I have done will at least better diagnose an issue with your own system though as it seems that way inclined at least.
The MSI AB process for Vram reading I am using is Memory Usage / Process which gives much more accurate data.
The Vram load across the board is likely to be fully accurate in my videos due to this.