Is East London a dangerous place to live?

Watch muggings were getting really bad in Greenwich at one point. No way would I go out there with an expensive watch on.

Even worse is when the security guard at the event is in on it - a guy wore a fake Patek to an event at a restaurant in the city. Obvs there are people who'd wear real Pateks in that area. The security guard spotted it and then informed his criminal buddies who robbed and killed the guy:

A gang of robbers are facing years in jail for killing a music manager for a fake designer watch.
Emmanuel Odunlami, 32, was set up by a member of security at an exclusive £1,400 a table event in the City of London, where he had been celebrating his birthday with friends.
Jurors were told that Kavindu Hettiarachichi had spotted that Mr Odunlami was wearing a Patek Philippe Nautilus watch which, if real, was worth between £90,000 and £300,000.
Have this conversation in a pub and within 5 minutes you’ll hear some knucklehead pipe up “It weren’t like this when the Krays were around, they wouldn’t have it”

Yup indeed, the naive romanticism of gangsters. In reality, they absolutely would have it, they'd just want the robbers to pay them protection money.
London is fine, I've lived off Green Lanes in NE London for nearly 20 years, never been robbed, attacked etc. Sure there are guys that are obviously something to do with drugs on the streets, but they don't bother anyone, I guess unless I want to start selling drugs myself - if people stopped taking drugs they'd be out of a job, but guess what... If there are problems it's not down to Sadiq. The Tories made thousands of police redundant and took 30% of council budgets away (where did that money go??). London has always been a city of immigrants and so has the UK...romans, anglo saxons, french, people from the commonwealth, you can't blame people for wanting a better life, and most of the people who move here want just that.
name fits :P
Even worse is when the security guard at the event is in on it - a guy wore a fake Patek to an event at a restaurant in the city. Obvs there are people who'd wear real Pateks in that area. The security guard spotted it and then informed his criminal buddies who robbed and killed the guy:

That article is strange. Wear a fake watch but goes to a restaurant that costs £1400 a table.
name fits :p

You can believe what you want mate, or read from Sweden. I'm just telling you my experience, there's no need to insult me. Most Londoners with a brain choose to live here and wouldn't considering living anywhere else in the country despite how pretty parts of it are. The pluses far outweigh the negatives.
You can believe what you want mate, or read from Sweden. I'm just telling you my experience, there's no need to insult me. Most Londoners with a brain choose to live here and wouldn't considering living anywhere else in the country despite how pretty parts of it are. The pluses far outweigh the negatives.

Denial is the first stage of acceptance.
Haven’t read the whole thread but OP went to Newham which is a total hole. Stratford is just.. yeah.. not good. Even during the day it’s just a place for gangs to hang out. Not good. We went once, wouldnt bother again. It’s definitely edgy.

I live in west London and work in the west end. Touch wood, in all those years I’ve never witnessed a mugging, fight, stabbing etc. and that’s including 5 years of night shifts in Soho. My local FB group seems to have the odd bike or car stolen, as well as missing cats and runaway dogs :o

I still feel like small towns can be more dangerous, but overall I do think the country as a whole is getting more lawless.
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You can believe what you want mate, or read from Sweden. I'm just telling you my experience, there's no need to insult me. Most Londoners with a brain choose to live here and wouldn't considering living anywhere else in the country despite how pretty parts of it are. The pluses far outweigh the negatives.
Where do you live? I spent 30 years in Peckham/Romford.

It's progressively got a **** hole no debate.

Yes it's still best part of the UK to live by far, but you need some big income to slot into a decent suburb.
Romford/Hornchurch used to be decent now it's litter everywhere and very cosmopolitan. I grew out of wanting that as part of my life. Maybe just grew out of city life tbh.
London is fine, I've lived off Green Lanes in NE London for nearly 20 years, never been robbed, attacked etc. Sure there are guys that are obviously something to do with drugs on the streets, but they don't bother anyone, I guess unless I want to start selling drugs myself - if people stopped taking drugs they'd be out of a job, but guess what... If there are problems it's not down to Sadiq. The Tories made thousands of police redundant and took 30% of council budgets away (where did that money go??). London has always been a city of immigrants and so has the UK...romans, anglo saxons, french, people from the commonwealth, you can't blame people for wanting a better life, and most of the people who move here want just that.

The mayor does have a say over policing though. He could have used the money wasted on ULEZ to improve policing in the city.

There is no doubt things in London have declined under Khan. Not only crime but his policies have killed London's night life. I think eventually there will be a big worker shortage in London, can't afford to live there, can't afford to commute in. It's already hard to recruit for positions in London and business is already adapting and moving out to other cities.
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Where do you live? I spent 30 years in Peckham/Romford.

It's progressively got a **** hole no debate.

Yes it's still best part of the UK to live by far, but you need some big income to slot into a decent suburb.
Romford/Hornchurch used to be decent now it's litter everywhere and very cosmopolitan. I grew out of wanting that as part of my life. Maybe just grew out of city life tbh.

I agree about Romford changing a lot over the past 15 years or so, it's very cosmopolitan now, I wouldn't say there is litter everywhere though, no different to most places.

I like to think Romford still has its own identity compared to other parts of London, though it is changing, it's a shame though this market town is getting ruined by high rise flats and crappy shops and fast food joints.

Its amazing some of the changes i've seen here.
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A cheerful lot on here aren't you. Which era did you grow up in when there wasn't this type of crime? I grew up in West Yorkshire in the 80s and 90s. Plenty of burglary's growing up. 90s was all about ramraiding shops for career criminals. Lots of the kids at my school shoplifted as a hobby. Plenty of violence but generally no weapons at least. Drugs certainly aren't new and neither are gangs fighting with each other about them. There's always been places that were referred to as 'no go areas'
A cheerful lot on here aren't you. Which era did you grow up in when there wasn't this type of crime? I grew up in West Yorkshire in the 80s and 90s. Plenty of burglary's growing up. 90s was all about ramraiding shops for career criminals. Lots of the kids at my school shoplifted as a hobby. Plenty of violence but generally no weapons at least. Drugs certainly aren't new and neither are gangs fighting with each other about them. There's always been places that were referred to as 'no go areas'
Agree. But the past 20 something years has seen an upgrade in violence.

Friday night in Romford you'd get 5/ whatever drunken fights, somone would kick the crap out of Somone......
Nowadays kids are stabbing eachother before a punch is thrown. I'm not saying you can't beat someone to death, but it's a lot more fatal to get stabbed 20 times with a screwdriver.
There are more people on the streets willing to use deadly force "because Somone looked at them funny"
What culture/society do these people come from?
I dunno to me it's just an obvious observation.

I love how proud people are to admit the Country has been **** for years.
Damn I first got mugged at knifepoint at age 10... For my 20p piece sweet money
You're damn right come to think of it London has always been ****.
I partly blame the rise in rolling news and everyone having a camera these days.
In the olden days when bad things happened, most of the time you never heard of it. Ignorance was bliss so to speak. Now you hear about everything, so it feels a lot worse.

I do think the level of violence is worse these days though. There was low level crime when I was growing up, but hearing someone got stabbed was a very rare occurrence. Not soo anymore.
Agree. But the past 20 something years has seen an upgrade in violence.

Friday night in Romford you'd get 5/ whatever drunken fights, somone would kick the crap out of Somone......
Nowadays kids are stabbing eachother before a punch is thrown. I'm not saying you can't beat someone to death, but it's a lot more fatal to get stabbed 20 times with a screwdriver.
There are more people on the streets willing to use deadly force "because Somone looked at them funny"
What culture/society do these people come from?
I dunno to me it's just an obvious observation.

I love how proud people are to admit the Country has been **** for years.
Damn I first got mugged at knifepoint at age 10... For my 20p piece sweet money
You're damn right come to think of it London has always been ****.

Are you putting the assertation that Yardie gangs had a culture of carrying weapons and that's had a knock on effect in British gangs? Likely true to some extent. But again you had the Krays and Richardson gangs in the 60s offing people they didn't like and running protection rackets against local businesses. You had plenty of white career criminals with their sawn off shotguns. In the 70s and 80s you had football hooligans fighting each other with knives. And Stephen Lawrence obviously was killed by young white men. Is knife crime more common now? Maybe.

There were more serial killers in the past. I'm currently reading a book about Peter Suttcliffe and what other murderer's he may have committed. It seems like there were 100s of murders around that time in places he visited that also could have been him. If they weren't him there were other killers getting away with it.
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