Is it a good idea to deposit casino winnings into your bank?

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As long as it is legit money then i wouldn't worry. You're innocent until proven guilty, the police can't just see you have a lot of money assume it's illegal and then prosecute you, the onus is on them to prove the money is illegal. Tax is a bit different, you might need some proof it is gambling winnings to stop the tax men knocking.
I think they ask if you put in over £5000 or so, but it probably depends on the bank.
Do it a couple of thousand at a time or show proof.
Yeah, that definitely won't raise suspicions.

Putting £2000 in a bank account wouldn't. My mum works at a building society and says people put thousands into accounts daily, they only have to ask if it's over £5000.

It might look like you are earning money on the side...

That is what's happening though. Winning/earning, whatever.
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Pull's up seat....I see pages in this tread, not least with 'Mr Street' at the helm. Pass the fizzy cola bottles and slush puppy please.
deposit 20 grand cash into a branch account and you will be flagged under the FMPS (Fraud Moneys Protection System)

automaticaly you will be investigated to find out if you have earned that cash, and more or likely be asked in for an interview to discuss its origin.

prepare to be internaly search for casino chips using birthing forceps :rolleyes:
Doesn't asim have a history of East London culture ( aka mac 10 in under 3 miniutes), of course it's going to be casino winnings he is talking about * cough * *cough*.

a history of hearing a rumour at school then pretending its actually happened and he was involved in it :p
If it was a lot of money without a clearly defined and legally operating source then you might have an issue.

You don't have an issue, even though you've made this up.
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