Is it a good idea to deposit casino winnings into your bank?

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20-30k in cash from a casino will be mostly in sealed packets same as the ones that come from the bank when you withdraw large amounts of cash over the counter, with the casino's name stamped on it and signed. Or if they don't have the funds in cash will hand over a winners cheque if requested, that will also will have the date and the casino where it was obtained.
There's a certain threshold where they don't care, I'm not sure of the figure. Any higher and they'll question you. It's like anything. If you're reguarly bringing in ~£1000 a month, and then suddenly £20k, then it'll raise questions as it's unusual activity.
I once deposited £50,000 cash in to my personal connect account. Nothing was said.

I don't think you'll have an issue :p
Put small amounts in every now and then, take out similar amounts every now and then. Anything irregular and the bank will ask questions.

There are ways and means but best not to post on a public forum TBH.
It's "only" £30k I wouldn't have thought it would be anywhere near enough to arouse suspicion if it's a one off deposit. £30k a month however expect a few questions.

Also if it's in cash, what casinos have you been going to...
It's "only" £30k I wouldn't have thought it would be anywhere near enough to arouse suspicion if it's a one off deposit. £30k a month however expect a few questions.

Also if it's in cash, what casinos have you been going to...

Most banks I've dealt with have a £10k threshold.
Q. Where did you get £30k from?
A. I won it at a Casino
Q. We will investigate it
A .Knock yourself out and waste your own time.
24h later "Thankyou for the deposit sir"
I went into my branch to put in a cheque for 22k and got a strange look and then taken into the managers office to be asked all about it. I was a bit hacked off actually because I was busy that day but I suppose not many people do it very often so it must look odd. That said only an idiot would put ill gotten gains in their personal account so like I said I was quite curt with the manager for keeping me so long as she was trying to pitch to me their whole range of ISA's after she finished asking after the origin of the cheque.

And with that username....

What were the origins of the earnings? ;) :p
If it was an online gambling website you can transfer it directly in to your account and you won't get any trouble as it will show what site it came from. If you have constant money going in and out to a gambling website they can however investigate and close your account.

Bank accounts in the UK are not allowed to be used to fund gambling addicts, I used to work in head office complaints for one of the largest banks in the world. If your usual account turnover is small and you deposit this much money in at once then they will look in to it and look for proof.
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