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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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19 Oct 2002
The Faithful City
In answer to the question posed by the OP; I've got decades worth of PC games both on Steam/Epic/Rockstar/GOG and physical media, so I think I will always have a gaming capable machine, but when or if my machine gets updated I have no clue and certainly no plans to replace anything currently (i7-12700K & RX6900XT, 1440p 165mhz monitor so unsurprising really). I've no interest in RT and the majority of AAA releases, so I may be OK for quite a while.

I've also got a PS5 which I find compliments the PC but doesn't replace it, in fact looking at the current state of the high profile games being released multiplatform if I were interested in them I would be buying them for this rather than the PC at least in the first instance (though I did buy Hogwarts Legacy which ran well but ultimately was a shallow experience imo, but ran fine).

The days of PC exclusive games outside of strategy/rpg or sims (inc. Star Citizen) I think ended some time ago, and the current state of the GPU market will only hasten it's lack of relevance to mainstream development attention. We'll go back to the late 80-90s where PC games were "niche".

Edit to add: This doesn't necessarily alter the attraction of the PC if you're not into mainstream/AAA gaming. For instance nothing exists like Bannerlord, Kenshi, Highfleet, Total War (about the only major franchise still PC exclusive) off the top of my head or any of the multitude of mods on consoles.
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28 Sep 2014
I am PC user for 30 years since 1993, I will never gave up on PC with huge games library! Consoles games are too expensive, consoles cant do modded games or upgraded games textures to high resolution or play last or older generation consoles games that PC can run all games since 1995. Also PC can run emulators like DOSBox, consoles emulators, Android games and run PSNow to play Playstation 3/4 games library on Windows 11.

My sister gave up Playstation 2 and games library sold long time ago and moved to Xbox 360 with about 30 games in her library, my 2 nephews grew up played these 30 games and got Gamepass then gave up because games and subscription was too expensive. She bought Playstation 4 in 2013, Switch in 2017 for herself, niece and boyfriend to played exclusive games but gave up few years later and she, her boyfriend and my niece all moved on to PC laptops full time with lots of free games every month because console games are too expensive. Playstation 4 will be her last console, she will not upgrade to Playstation 5. My nephews both moved to mobile phones to played games, older nephew are in deep debt cannot afford council house rent so he stayed at friends every week and my young nephew have no income now stayed at Armed Force Veterans residences.

All my friends gave up consoles and moved to PC for same reason.

I found interesting numbers on global games revenues for 2022.

iOS $50bn
Android $31.3bn

PC $40.5bn (Digital/Physical games: $38.2bn & Browser games: $2.3bn)

Consoles $51.8bn

Playstation 4/5 $24.410bn
Xbox One/Series X/S $15.563bn
Switch $11.827bn

Impossible to say how much revenue people spend on games on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S seprately each in 2022.

PC games market revenue are much bigger than Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S combined as people spend less on console games because console games are too expensive.

I get free PC games every week, every month on Epic Games, GOG, Amazon Prime Gaming and Steam, sometime on EA, Microsoft Store and Ubisoft but I not bought Gamepass or UPlay+ or EA Play or PSNow monthly games subscriptions. Bought games key online much cheaper than consoles. I get free weekend games too.

Consoles cant get free games without buy expensive Gamepass, Playstation Plus and Nintendo Switch Online annual subscriptions.
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4 Oct 2017
Your frustration with the 5950x/3090 system seem entirely self inflicted...
There was/is no need to be overlocking or messing in the BIOS... you could run both of those at stock and have a very enjoyable 4K experiance.

You’re absolutely right. I’ve gone the other extreme this time round. I’ve simply power limited the cpu to 150w and an 85% power limit on the gpu and just gone back to enjoying gaming.
17 Sep 2018
Honestly I think the people arguing for console gaming have missed out on the luxury of ultrawide gaming, which the new consoles do not allow. Ultrawide 3440px1440 is such a massive upgrade I don't know where to start in why this is the case. I haven't played at 4k but I imagine it really come close in matching it for immersion.
30 Dec 2021
Honestly I think the people arguing for console gaming have missed out on the luxury of ultrawide gaming, which the new consoles do not allow. Ultrawide 3440px1440 is such a massive upgrade I don't know where to start in why this is the case. I haven't played at 4k but I imagine it really come close in matching it for immersion.

Depending on the game UW is dog poo. Just a stretched out image.
28 May 2007
Honestly I think the people arguing for console gaming have missed out on the luxury of ultrawide gaming, which the new consoles do not allow. Ultrawide 3440px1440 is such a massive upgrade I don't know where to start in why this is the case. I haven't played at 4k but I imagine it really come close in matching it for immersion.
If this was the case many would be using Ultra wide. Nobody i know uses it and the one that did changed back to go 4k. Imo Ultra wide never really caught on.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Honestly I think the people arguing for console gaming have missed out on the luxury of ultrawide gaming, which the new consoles do not allow. Ultrawide 3440px1440 is such a massive upgrade I don't know where to start in why this is the case. I haven't played at 4k but I imagine it really come close in matching it for immersion.

I’ll take my massive TV.
4 Jun 2009
If this was the case many would be using Ultra wide. Nobody i know uses it and the one that did changed back to go 4k. Imo Ultra wide never really caught on.

It's done pretty well and given the fact that this and last year is where we have seen the first oled monitors in 21.9 format shows it isn't just a fad/gimmick.


Certainly isn't going anywhere anyway, people have been saying it is a fad/gimmick that would die out for the past 9-10 years......

I've also got a 55" lg oled but I often prefer gaming on my AW 34" for the 21.9 factor especially where games have limited/zoomed in FOV.
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4 Jun 2009
Isn’t the res highlighted just standard 1440p

And the UW options make up but 2.5%

What do you mean highlighted? 2560x1440 is highlighted green as it is the only res to have seen uptake this month, every other res. is down. 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 have their own option.

Main point was to show that 3440x1440 isn't that far behind 4k.

Also, quite a few people use custom 21.9 resolutions on their 42"+ 4k screens, which won't show since it is a custom res. and not native screen res.
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30 Dec 2021
What do you mean highlighted? 2560x1440 is highlighted green as it is the only res to have seen uptake this month, every other res. is down. 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 have their own option.

Main point was to show that 3440x1440 isn't that far behind 4k.

Also, quite a few people use custom 21.9 resolutions on their 42"+ 4k screens, which won't show since it is a custom res. and not native screen res.

1080 / 1440 UW options make up about 2.5% and as show by the chart there on the way down… that’s a fad. It’s like 4k it’s not a hot as people think. Many with a 4k monitor drop to 1440 in game to get fps
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4 Jun 2009
1080 / 1440 UW options make up about 2.5% and as show by the chart there on the way down… that’s a fad. It’s like 4k it’s not a hot as people think. Many with a 4k monitor drop to 1440 in game to get fps

So is 4k a fad then too since it is on it's way down?

How can something be a fad when it has been around for 9/10 years. If you were talking about like a handful of 21.9 monitors on the market then yeah a fad but that simply isn't the case.
30 Dec 2021
So is 4k a fad then too since it is on it's way down?

How can something be a fad when it has been around for 9/10 years. If you were talking about like a handful of 21.9 monitors on the market then yeah a fad but that simply isn't the case.
720p make up more than UW…
4k costs too much for the real world of gamers… it’s not a fad but not something that. And be easy done now.

Yes UW is a fad, it’s make for productively and if you have a monitor like that and game too you make up part of the 2.5%
You Say it’s been around 10 years and consoles dropped support, think about that… if it was an established res why drop support

I owned a UW for about 11 days 5ish years ago. And I sent it back
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4 Feb 2011
Also the cost of a quality ultra wide makes it a niche product to begin with. I actually think we're just getting to the resolutions where it'll start getting more uptake. As we head into two 1440p monitors side by side ultra wide resolutions at 5120x1440 and two 4k monitors side by side in the near future of 7680x2160 with the Neo G9 the starting point.

Especially for anyone who would consider a multi monitor solution being able to actually default to a 16:9 aspect ratio on the same screen, for certain tasks or games will be convenient.

But yeah until consoles ever support it maybe it stays in the less popular category. I'm blown away by the quality of the OLED ultrawides available now.
4 Jun 2009
720p make up more than UW…
4k costs too much for the real world of gamers… it’s not a fad but not something that. And be easy don’t now.

Yes UW is a fad, it’s make for productively and if you have a monitor like that and game too you make up part of the 2.5%
You Say it’s been around 10 years and consoles dropped support, think about that… if it was an established res why drop support

720p? Where is 720P?

Doesn't matter, 4k is what the current gen consoles target, every single media format i.e. streaming is basically 4k (lots of people use their pcs for more than just gaming) yet it's still only 1.78%.

Consoles never supported 21.9 in the first place either and why would they ever support 21.9 given that "all" tvs are 16.9 format, which is what consoles mostly plug into, not monitors. 21.9 is not going to be become the main factor because all media/console gaming is geared towards 16.9 tvs but that still doesn't make 21.9 a fad, as proven and shown, it has it's place in the pc gaming scene.

Definition of fad:

an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze

9-10 years in the tech industry is pretty good going especially when it's only use is for computers and nothing else.

If it was a fad, it would died all those years ago when people kept saying the same thing.... Bit like how DLSS was suppose to die when FSR 1 was released then when FSR 2 was released and no doubt will supposedly die again when FSR 3 is released.
4 Jun 2009
Also the cost of a quality ultra wide makes it a niche product to begin with. I actually think we're just getting to the resolutions where it'll start getting more uptake. As we head into two 1440p monitors side by side ultra wide resolutions at 5120x1440 and two 4k monitors side by side in the near future of 7680x2160 with the Neo G9 the starting point.

Especially for anyone who would consider a multi monitor solution being able to actually default to a 16:9 aspect ratio on the same screen, for certain tasks or games will be convenient.

But yeah until consoles ever support it maybe it stays in the less popular category. I'm blown away by the quality of the OLED ultrawides available now.

But it's just a fad.... why are all these manufacturers putting money into them and making them first to the market with OLED tech..... ;) :p
4 Jun 2009
Oled as been a think for a lot of years, UW is not first to the market…

In the monitor space they are the first to the market with consumer affordable monitors. 42 and 48 LG screens are TVs, not monitors. The only other OLED monitors is the professional grade ones i.e. sony ones that cost 30k, which were purely for professional use.

It’s a thing for productivity, it’s a fad for gaming

In your opinion, not fact.
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