Poll: Is it time to shave it all off?

Is it time to shave it all off?

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Further to my post above, the Netflix film “The Silence” is completely naff but the main actor in it was rocking this look and made it work well. Slightly scruffier than I was suggesting but you get the idea.



I remarked when watching that he looked pretty handsome! Be aware that this does actually require a fair bit of maintenance to keep looking good - shaving the head every 3/4 days at least.
I think you look really good with the shaved head.

Here’s something to try (steps in order).

First, leave your face/ neck for a few days to grow a beard.

Shave your head and neck with clippers at zero.

Trim your face / beard so that it is only slightly longer than your shaved head. Half way between beard and stubble.

Wet shave your neck live if desires. Ultimately, you want a sharp near edge to your beard.

^^^ this can look really smart and make you feel like you’re Gordon Freeman or something. I thing a little bit of face stubble goes really well with a shaved head. You can do it with a full beard but it has to be thick enough for it to work.... mine is not!

This. It’s the look I go for most often. @Freefaller also rocks the shaven master race look.

Here's me.. April 2016 the photo on the right was taken and a week later I shaved it off. The thinning at the front was pretty obvious. I was only 31.

@LiE looking good! :cool: what an improvement!!

Yeah that’s what I mean, with a clean neckline. You have a far thicker beard than me but so long as you keep it short it can look smart regardless of how crap your beard growth is.

Goes somewhat back to beard grooming in general - the point generally, is that it’s supposed to define your jaw line as it does perfectly in @LiE ’s photo.
I guess i'm lucky i inherited my dad's hairline. He died at 75 with a full head of hair and still had a fair amount of black hair (about 20%)

I'm 44 and my hair is as thick as ever and only really started to turn grey a few years ago
Are you rich enough to buy a porsche or Ferrari? If so, being a middle aged bachelor might work out, hair or no hair.

Otherwise start working on the wife to accept the shorter look
Interesting - I would have kept it shaved - I've never been a fan of the wispy look. Paired with a well defined beard as @LiE posted it looks better again.

I'm fairly "lucky" (still) I suppose when it comes to hair - I'm 41 now, no grey, no receding hairline and no bald patch (I have two crowns, so one is generally exposed and the other generally covered depending how short my hair is.

I actually emulated your OP shot this morning as I've never, to my knowledge, taken a picture of the top of my head!


I shaved my head for most of my twenties, but got fed up of it eventually. I wouldn't hesitate to go shaved again if it got all wispy and thin though.

What about those semi permanent glue-on hair pieces? Some of them seem to look pretty decent.
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100% grow some form of beard.

I had your front hairline from about age 18 thanks to terrible genes so I've been shaving it pretty much all of my adult life. I've always had some form of beard / stubble since then as a clean shaven baldy is very rarely a good luck.

Id love to know how much I've saved in haircuts over the years. Plus, shaving my head in the shower is one of the simple pleasures in life that I never knew I'd enjoy so much.
I'm disappointed that the OP didn't even try pancake before reverting to his old hair style. The people have spoken, if not shaven wear a pancake!
Shave it off, if your family are so shallow that they will stop talking to you over it, you're better off without them. (Though I assumed that was partly tongue in cheek. :p )
I rock the same look - shaved head at grade O due to thinning at the front, with some decent stubble (tend to shave the facial hair at no 2/3).

I'm a bit skinny though so can't pull off the hardman look - need to do some working out.
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