Hi again baldies (and not baldies).
Update for you and social observation results, after nearly two years from the op.
Thanks for your support before (especially Magnolia...you made me feel all man).
It was interesting after I shaved my head, from a social point of view.
Certain school mums showed a lot more interest in me than before, most of which were married to cue balls, which was fascinating.
My wife however, who is kind of important being the mother of my kids, wasn't particularly a fan it turns out, nor were my parents, whose contribution was 'you look bald'.
As much as I told my wife to like it or lump it, I decided to grow it back (if you can call it that), since I want to continue seeing my kids more than 50% of the time (50% if I'm lucky).
Which leads us to today...
Surprisingly enough, it's not getting any better and I'm really unhappy with it now, so am faced with a dilemma, since my family appear to all be shallow pricks...shave it all off again and be happy but a middle-aged bachelor, or keep the whispy pretence and wife going for as long as possible.
I'm very tempted to shear it off again tomorrow, so stay posted for your own amusement.
And if anyone has any lady friends that like bald men, I might need your help tomorrow...