I realise that I didn't answer the OP in any way. Oops.

Is miracle / faith healing possible? Absotively.

Not in the regrowing limbs / sprouting a new head method that the OP focuses on - but definitlely in an I've been diagnosed with a long-term illness, my faith in <Non-specific deity> will pull me through.

The power of the mind, be it motivated by faith or other means, has long been documented in being significantly valuable in the treatment of certain illnesses.
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lemonkettaz said:
making limbs come back... no way.

somebody would have been high as a kite.. and then thinking he saw an arm grow back he told everyone, and word of mouth spread (like it does) and bam, the bible

As hard im trying not to

**awaits reply from a christain brother**
Sic said:
i like where you are on this. some people sit on the fence. you are the fence

Its a simple truth that both sides are as bad as each other:

Side A : I beleive in miracles and faith healing. I havent got any proof, but its what i believe
Side B: But there's no scientific evidence that faith healing works, or that miracles exist.
Side A: Have you got any evidence for that?
Side B:
Side A: So its based on blind faith?
Side B: ......
all these events were recorded hundreds of years after they happened.

its like folk stories. monsters and such, tales... its all folklore. there are some good messages in the bible about life.

but a lot of controversy... contradiction...opinion...and fundamentally gossip
Visage said:
Its a simple truth that both sides are as bad as each other:

Side A : I beleive in miracles and faith healing. I havent got any proof, but its what i believe
Side B: But there's no scientific evidence that faith healing works, or that miracles exist.
Side A: Have you got any evidence for that?
Side B:
Side A: So its based on blind faith?
Side B: ......

yeah, i get where you're coming from. i just never looked at it like that, oddly enough.
It's next to impossible to prove the non-existence of something, but easy-peasy-japanesey to prove if something does exist (assuming it does actually exist).

Visage said:
Side A : I believe in miracles and faith healing. I havent got any proof, but its what i believe.
Side B: But there's no scientific evidence that faith healing works, or that miracles exist.
Side A: Have you got any evidence for that?
Side B: Erm...yes. Centuries of amassed scientific reasoning and observation.
I don't know if I believe or not although I have heard a first hand story of a guy and his daughter who believe they were healed by Benny Hinn.

Some say it is like a placebo effect which I can understand but I don't see how this applies to these apparent instant healings.

I'd love all this stuff to be true but I don't think I could accept it until I had some personal experience/evidence.

If it isn't true then there are very large number of fruitcakes out there.
Miracles & faith healing used to be possible but people aren't so gullible nowadays on the whole:)
Borris said:
It's next to impossible to prove the non-existence of something, but easy-peasy-japanesey to prove if something does exist (assuming it does actually exist).

But by definition, miracles/faith healing is based around acts of god.

To prove that miracles do not happen you'd have to prove that every event that has ever occurred is as a result of scientific laws that are, in turn, impossible to have been dreamt up by God.

I dont believe in God myself, but im not naive enough to think i can disprove his existence,.,...
ElRazur said:
You sound like a believer (pardon me if you aint). Do you think miracles can regrow an amputated limp? (even though Jesus put back the ear of someone chopped off)
I think that you may have misinterpreted my post somewhat.
No IMO, because I believe in logic and the laws of the universe.

Doesn't mean I'm right though.
iCraig said:
No IMO, because I believe in logic and the laws of the universe.

Doesn't mean I'm right though.
No it doesn't, but you agree with me, and thats enough to make you right ;)
Visage said:
By their very nature, mracles cannot be explained by science/logic, so by the same reasoning you cannot 'disprove' them with science/logic.


A miracle is pretty much by definition something that cannot be proved or understood by science, it breaks the laws of science as we know it. It's something that shouldn't work, but in isolated cases appears to.

Therefore the fact that it's not repeateable is part of the problem, not a reason to denounce their existance.

But this will degenerate into loads of people claiming absolute denial is a logical position and that science proves these things are not true despite the fact that science does nothing of the sort and never claims to be able to do so...

I'd find it funny if it hadn't got so boring by now.

*waits for someone with no scientific experience or education to try and tell him how science works now...*
AJUK said:
The onus is on the believers to prove it not the other way around.

There's no onus on anyone to prove anything.

Unless you can provide a full understanding of everything (something which current scientific methods and processes certainly don't, hence why theories are continually being revised) then you have no basis to any of your statements other than your own faith in your view... Kinda familiar?
This may sound stupid but ill tell you my story:)

A few years back i broke my arm really badly and i mean really bad, it looked deformed.
There was next to no chance that i could get away with out them needing to pin the bones together so they stayed together and didnt come apart again before it was healed.
But the church i would go to if i went(mum goes to it and yes i am christain)got informed and put me on a preyer chain.
When i had the operation to get the bones put back into place they just slide into place and no matter how hard the surgeon tryed to shake them and pull them back out of place they wouldnt move and they didnt need to be pinned:)
It had the surgeon completely shocked i was told when i woke up.
I dont know if you class that as a miracle but i do:)
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