Yea for me it was the only option (other than the 4090) because I knew or at least had a hunch that anything less than 16Gb especially when spending up words of £800 + quid was a slight issue considering the AMD cards have 20Gb +.
Of course the truth is we don't have to turn everything up to 11. If one is ok turning one or two things down then 12Gb is plenty.
It's only when we talk about maxing the graphics that 16Gb becomes part of the conversation.
Thing is unless nvidia completely take the **** the new stuff will have 16gb in the form of a 5070 that will be cheaper and faster than a 4080.
That's why I never let vram bother me. I am surprised you did as you seem to upgrade every gen also. Did you not have a 3080 or 3080 Ti?
If things go as I expect I will be rocking a 5070/5070Ti that will be faster and cheaper than a 4080 and yes, it will have 16gb vram. And in the meantime how many games have I played that needed more than 12gb? A big fat zero

Even Cyberpunk maxed out don't use more than 12gb