Is the Seagate 7200.11 the new "deathstar?

I've had the same happen with Samsungs. The only thing I can conclude from reported failure rates is that quoted MTBF and error rate figures are completely bogus and made up. At this rate, in the 3 year warranty that Samsung provide, I'll go through about 6 sets of disks. At least you got 2 years out of the Seagate.
Looking at one of my old Seagates (80GB, pulled from a 2 year PVR), on the label, there is firmware, date code and site code.
This information would be helpful in determining whether it's ALL 7200.11s or just a particular batch.
The 75GXP WAS BACK IN 2000.

I've got a pair of 120GB 120GXP here from 2002 that are still working after daily use for 5+ years. You think they've fixed the problem yet?

Hehe, I've got 6 of those, also from back in 2002. They were the cheapest per GB. Still going strong, been running 24/7 for the past 6.5 years and hammered pretty hard. Awesome drives.
Both the 320's and 500Gb one's i have sound healthy, scans show them as error free, 320 is silent and 500 is fairly quiet, they all operate at around 27 to 28c. Had 250gb 7200.10's before and they are now going strong in my brothers PC.

Guess it's pot luck with these drives.
I had 2x DeathStar 75GXP die in a row in the space of 2 months so I replaced it with a 80Gb 7200.7. As needs grew I added a 250Gb 7200.10. They both got swapped into another machine (and are still running flawlessly to this day) and my main machine got a 7200.11 750Gb. Never had any issues at all with the 7200.11 until a few days ago. I got a balloon in Windows saying a file was corrupt and I needed to run CHKDSK...... so I rebooted and got stuck at "Verifying DMI Pool Data".

Ran Seatools for DOS and it found 175 damaged blocks and repaired them..... and off I went until the the following day the machine just froze in Windows. Rebooted... Stuck at Verifying DMI Pool Data again. Seatools out again and found another 100 or so damaged blocks. Repaired and off I went again..... until today. Machine was freezing for a second, every 5 seconds. Process Explorer said "Hardware interrupts" was maxxing out all 4 cores every 5 seconds. Rebooted and..... you can guess..... Verifying DMI Pool Data.

I've run Seatools 3 times in a row now and each time it's finding (and repairing) more damaged blocks.

I was looking at a 1.5TB 7200.11, but I'm not sure I trust them now.
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For what it's worth, the new Seagates are probably no worse than most disks these days. :-( I don't really consider running without RAID1 or RAID6 to be an option any more (maybe RAID5 for 3-4 disks, but no more if disks are over about 320GB). I've had problems with Samsungs recently, and judging by several threads here and elsewhere, I'm not the only one.
I've read about all the problems with Seagate and Samsung recently, so I decided to go with a Western Digital Caviar Black 1 TB. So far I haven't been disappointed. It's quite a bit more expensive, but no errors or problems so far. If you want to go for a cheaper option, I would suggest the Western Digital Caviar Green. I haven't heard many people complaining about that either.
I have a pair of the maxtor equivalent to 7200.11s as my root disks, I had one die a few weeks after install but the replacement and other original one are still going a few months later. They're both as loud as old school SCSI seagate disks out of Sun servers though :o

The root disk from my old pc is a real maxtor though and that still works fine after 4.5 years!
I've used Seagate drives for years with 0 problems and only recently had 2 7200.10s die on me. Maybe Seagate arn't as reliable as they used to be ?
been reading other forums and loads of people are having their 7200.11 fail on them

makes me glad ive switched to an all WD setup
in the 13 years ive been fiddling with PCs WD has never failed me yet

if your 7200.11 hasnt died yet best buy a WD drive and transfer the stuff over IMO
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Thats just ace!!! Just got back from being at my mums for christmas and found my Seagate drive dead in the same way as the others has died - stuck on the boot screen :(
I've used Seagate drives for years with 0 problems and only recently had 2 7200.10s die on me. Maybe Seagate arn't as reliable as they used to be ?

Oh no, I have 3 of these :eek: And I think they are pretty awful, noisiest drives I've ever had. But hopefully the 7200.10 failures here are just "normal", seems the 7200.11 are most at risk
I've got a seagate 500GB can't remember the model though, but it's about 2 years old, and it has for some bizarre reason started to make chirping sounds, quite a lot. It sounds like there is a bird in my PC lol, thats the best way I can describe it really.

Anyone had this?
I've got a seagate 500GB can't remember the model though, but it's about 2 years old, and it has for some bizarre reason started to make chirping sounds, quite a lot. It sounds like there is a bird in my PC lol, thats the best way I can describe it really.

Anyone had this?

birds tweet

crickets chirp

Crikey I dont think I could ever fill 6tb, in my lifetime :D

Not all for me, 2 for me, 2 for my brother. He's paying me back later this week.

My current storage drive is 500GB which is completley full, one of the 1.5TB drives will replace this. The other one will be for backups :)
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