Is the theme of the OC forum a tad outdated and hard to read

High res textures?:confused:

Is that with the optional Ultra texture pack that you download that won't run on a 10Gb Graphics card?
Well, higher than 480i res that’s for sure.

Banners and so on are all able to upscale to 1440P without being fuzzy or distorted so that’s why they are high res.

I’m sure that the old textures were meant for 720P max.
I too think the forums are easy to read and navigate. I like the blue theme and anything else just looks like generic trash.
The theme doesn't matter to me but I have to be honest and say it's a bit pathetic that users can't even upload pics/images directly to the site and instead have to upload pics/images to 3rd partie hosting sites and then link the URLs here.

That's prehistoric internetting lol

Do you want to pay for the storage and bandwidth?
how about a poll?
I think its fine and easier to read than other forums, which are frequently bogged down in garbage - if it ain't broke dont fix it.
I'll go against the grain slightly and say I wish there was a "light/white" theme available as an alternative to the classic blue, and have the browser pass through my system day/night mode, but other than, I wouldn't want the forums to change.
I think the forum design and functionality is great. I don't see what you'd want to change.

Sometimes, simple is best.

I'm not fond on the blue, but it's not hard to hit the 'change colour' icon at the top.
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I like it how it is tbh. Don't have any problems with readability personally.

Edit Edit: seems I'm very wrong and the theme is beautiful. Sorry if I offended anyone. I shall beat myself for being so insolent.
Yes, self flagellation for at least 30 minutes, with the heaviest keyboard you can lay your hands on :mad:
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Bold of you to mention change. We don't take kindly to that round 'ere!

You've got four styles to choose from, what more could you want?
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I have a Firefox add-on that can change the colour of web sites, so I use black background with white-greyish text. Rather like high contrast mode in Windows.

There were a few mentions of Reddit here, so I tested it out in a private window to see what it looked like normally. Good God, it is much too white for me. Eye strain.

I use black background for OcUK as well but the blue theme (corporate colours) is nice too.
Keep the forum as it is. It is the last bastion of a dedicated forum I use. Everything else is all bloody Discord nowadays.
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