Is there any point to buying on release any more?

Too much exaggeration.

"Recent" games I have bought and I had next to no problems with.

Witcher 3
Fifa 15
Far Cry 4
Shadow of Mordor
Divinity Original Sin
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dying Light

None of those, for me, had any game breaking issues.
Only game I bought on release was DayZ, and what a godawful purchase for me

Never ever again
With AAA releases like Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed and Sim City being basically broken on release, I'm wary of paying full price for a game until the kinks have been worked out and the initial wave of mainstream reviews have been supplanted by actual user reviews.

Add to that between Steam, GOG, GMG et al a full price game can be had for less than half price within a year of release, and for a lot of games this will include all of the DLC that can easily double the price of game ownership if bought on release.

Apart from multiplayer games where I want to play with my friends before they all get bored and move on to the latest and greatest game, why would I want to spend £40 + DLC on a game now when in a year's time I can get it for a fiver when they've worked out all the kinks?

Some people just have a minset by where they want the newest thing on release and don't mind paying for it.

Personally, I think it is bonkers but I suppose it takes all sorts.

Pre-ordering and DLC are a cancer in the games industry. You won't affect any change while multitudes of people throw their money at devs/pubs on a wing and a prayer based on a single sneek peek video.

The CoD franchise is a shining example of how retarded gamers are these days. The game has been reskinned with minor changes many times and then sold for a premium and people lap it up. But it is a game you need to buy on release because in a years time you won't be able to play it (not even that long in the case of AW lol!). There will be nobody to play with.

The entire industry is predicated on minimum effort, minimum risk, maximum sales revenue and completely cynical business practices in general. There is a complete lack of vision and initiative with most AAA titles these days being the same core game as the title that was released 4-5 years ago. Farcry 4 - basically Facry 3 and Farcry 3 was very similar to FC2. CoD - lol it has basically been the same recycled game since MW2. Fifa titles - lol. Basically the same game but updated players - that will be full price £££'s please! Assassins Creed - same core game just slightly better graphics. I have no problem with games being reskinned and recycled per se, my problem is they charge £40 for it + £20 for a DLC season pass (more if you are a console gamer). Skill ceilings are getting lower and game mechanics are getting dumbed down to suit the lowest common denominator. All in all, it is a pretty poor show.

I have been an outspoken critic of the gaming industry in general for a good while now (Yeah I know, change the record right?) and will continue to be so until they buck their ideas up. Fortunately CDPR and R* have done a good job with their recent releases, and I hope Eidos/Square can do a good job with DX:MD.

If you want real change you have to hit them where it hurts. Vote with your wallet. Even if you want the game sooooo bad - don't blow your load early (arf ;) )

Trouble is, I think, that a good portion of sales come from kids who are too young to know any better and mummy and daddy just buy their games for them religiously.

It is the only real explanation I can come up with because I struggle to believe that intelligent adult gamers would be retarded enough to pre-order and splurge on DLC without evidence of the game being a cracker. I mean, that can't be what is happening can it? Right guys? Right.......?
It is the only real explanation I can come up with because I struggle to believe that intelligent adult gamers would be retarded enough to pre-order and splurge on DLC without evidence of the game being a cracker. I mean, that can't be what is happening can it? Right guys? Right.......?

Given the information to hand intelligent adult gamers will make an educated guess about a game.
Given the information to hand intelligent adult gamers will make an educated guess about a game.

True, everyone's ideas are different.

But I hope that educated guess concludes that splurdging on pre-orders for AAA titles (given the history of broken recycled AAA games) is just a waste of time.

I can live in hope :p
I pre order if it's a good deal on a game id buy eventually anyway. Witcher 3 is a good example. £26 or whatever the gog Ukraine price was with the season pass. Now I've had to wait a month or so for drivers but it's still a good deal. Past history told me it would be good and so far that's worked out.

Batman is a whole other story. I wasn't playing on pc when the previous rock steady titles launched but assumed the game would run fine. After all its not exactly mind blowing levels of pretty. Clearly however no one could have predicted how bad it was going to be. I expected again to have to wait about a month to be payable but for £30 or so with the season pass I thought it would be worth it.

I probably won't pre order again....except fallout 4. I need the pre load so I can play it when it comes out as my Internet is awful
I'm of the wait and see mind set, but given the money I plough into maintaining a decent gaming PC I do like to have some of the latest games. I've therefore limited myself to one pre-order per year, for a game that I am confident will be of a good standard and from a studio I trust.

This year's choice was Batman AK, so I failed :p
Just goes to show there's no such thing as a studio you can trust - look at X Rebirth, who saw what a train wreck that was going to be after a history of amazing games.
I'm of the wait and see mind set, but given the money I plough into maintaining a decent gaming PC I do like to have some of the latest games. I've therefore limited myself to one pre-order per year, for a game that I am confident will be of a good standard and from a studio I trust.

This year's choice was Batman AK, so I failed :p

Your mistake is in thinking there are any studios you can trust, when it's publishers that push the games out regardless. In the end, devs do what they're told, whether it's ship unfinished, ship broken, cut features, create misleading bullshots for marketing, etc.

It's the beancounters that ultimately control everything, and they don't care about the product, just about getting your money.
You're absolutely right Steampunk. I was lulled into a false sense of security by having no issues with the previous 3 Arkham Games (appreciate AO was from a different dev) which meant I'd built up trust. I'm actually haunted by saying to a friend, "there's no way AK will be bad" :o

As you say it just goes to show you can't trust that any game will be polished at launch.

On the flip side I waited for GTA V after the train-wreck that was IV at launch, only to be pleasantly surprised by the quality of V. It even had working SLI support on day 1.
I got ED, Alpha backer due to it being my favorite game of all time. Stupid nostaligia turning out to be a real lemon.

Oh and Funcom MMPORGS always good and they always **** it up (but not TSW it is awesome)
No and there never was.
To be honest though, I think it's a miracle AAA games are only as broken as they are on release. They're orders of magnitude more complex than games were back in the day. Not restricted to PC either, console games have all the same problems, have terrible versions sometimes, get patched up eventually, or just don't.
Plus, some people have crazy rose-tinted specs on.
Back-in-the day operating systems used to crash a lot more, much more problems with drivers, configuration, compatability. Can anyone even remember win 2000 era gaming ? or even before ? its much more plug and play than it was.
No and there never was.
To be honest though, I think it's a miracle AAA games are only as broken as they are on release. They're orders of magnitude more complex than games were back in the day. Not restricted to PC either, console games have all the same problems, have terrible versions sometimes, get patched up eventually, or just don't.
Plus, some people have crazy rose-tinted specs on.
Back-in-the day operating systems used to crash a lot more, much more problems with drivers, configuration, compatability. Can anyone even remember win 2000 era gaming ? or even before ? its much more plug and play than it was.

That's all true, but it's still no excuse for taking our money for a known broken product. That'd be fraud in any other industry. No one else gets a free pass and a pat on the head for trying valiantly but still delivering a faulty product and (for the most part) refusing refunds.

If you're a dev and you can't make a complex game work, then maybe you should stick to making simple games that do work.
in general there is a lot of **** games being sold on hype. all big bf youtubers are paid by the Ronku programme. so ignore anything they say.

the thing is sooner or later this will backfire for many of them.
Haven't personally encountered many problems with new games over the past couple of years. Last time I had serious issues with a game on launch was Crysis 2... Had all sorts of graphical glitches.
That's all true, but it's still no excuse for taking our money for a known broken product. That'd be fraud in any other industry. No one else gets a free pass and a pat on the head for trying valiantly but still delivering a faulty product and (for the most part) refusing refunds.

If you're a dev and you can't make a complex game work, then maybe you should stick to making simple games that do work.

I don't really disagree with you.
Digital in general, not just games but software & music too, has seen the most shocking removal of consumer rights, fairness & general balance of power between consumer & seller in history. Not to mention loop-holing round all the established consumer rights law in the nation states.
'Software as a service' - because it means you owe them FA & you can do anything you want & can change it with no notice.
I don't really disagree with you.
Digital in general, not just games but software & music too, has seen the most shocking removal of consumer rights, fairness & general balance of power between consumer & seller in history. Not to mention loop-holing round all the established consumer rights law in the nation states.
'Software as a service' - because it means you owe them FA & you can do anything you want & can change it with no notice.

Yep - all the media cartels have learned the trick of using licensing and contract law to do an end-run around consumer protection legislation. At the same time, they regularly produce broken products at a time when there are more things to spend our money on than ever before, yet they have a massive sense of entitlement to our money.
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