I had to stop buying games on release a few years ago, bar a very few exceptions, as they are generally broken. They have fooled me more than once on this, so I have stopped buying games on release as they do not work properly. Wait for the patches and drivers (although even they do not fix some games).
The only games I’d get on release would be GTA V or Half-Life 3 or Portal 3 or some other singularity. Although, I very nearly did not get GTA V on release as GTA IV was an appalling performance disaster and even Portal 2 didn’t work properly on release (not to mention the launch disaster of half-life 2!) so if even Valve can’t do it, then apparently nobody can. Wait til the people who did buy it on release have found the major bugs and they have been fixed (hopefully!), or else wait for the sales and get it half price (and working properly).
It is too risky to buy a game on release as, in general, they simply do not work properly. Devs know that millions of kids will NEED a game on release, so, sadly, if you join that group you are paying (usually a premium) to do their bug-testing for them. I will wait until it’s done.