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Is This Overkill

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23 Apr 2009
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting

LMAO funny entertaining 5 Star !
7 Jul 2004
I thought he was suspended?
Cheating online gets boring very fast. I once cheated on Mario kart Wii a few years ago, I could select any weapon I wanted. Yes it was absolutely hilarious screwing people over to make them loose, then speeding to the finish but it got old very quickly. I ended up just playing normally after about half an hour & haven't done it again. It took my enjoyment away, haven't really played the game since then thinking about it. God only knows how you can so that sort of thing constantly on the PC & even probably pay for the hacks(?) You must be missing something in your life...
11 Oct 2007
Amazed I read back through this. I see a few posts which could be him, if he does really have other accounts. I think the guy has mental problems though. PROBABLY shouldn't have found it so amusing as I did and I thought about posting it on reddit for a moment before realizing it would require a modicum of effort :D
15 Feb 2006
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting


Yawn. nobody cares little Stewie. Now calm down before you soil your nappy.
Maybe one day, when you're all grown up, you will discover girls, beer, going outside etc. Still laughing that you you call us idiots........is it that you have no friends that brings you to having literally nothing better to do than this?
Surely you have intelligence enough to realise that the overwhelming theme on here is that, apparently, you are the idiot? :D I mean, COME ON. You made up a whole new life, complete with mother in law, partner and car for sale ads lifted from AutoTrader. Wake up and smell what you are shovelling and go see a shrink.;)
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9 Sep 2011
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting

Me right now:
17 Jul 2011
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting

To be honest I dont know what is worse - this dude being entertained by the original posts or us in how we got all worked up over it.

I do sort of agree with the OP in that - we are paying a bit just to play some games meanwhile my xbox owner friend plays his games for the price of a xbox ...
9 Jun 2009
OCUK Detention Centre
Mr D Phillon, we all love you, the world loves you.

we cant help that your mother didnt, but we can support you.

we know how inadequate you feel trying to play BF3 on your netbook, but you cant 'lash' out at people who ridicule your illusions of grandeur.

we can support you ;)

we know how bad you feel sitting in your overpriced damp bedsit, watching the Lambos and other supercars wizzing by.

we can support you :rolleyes:

what we cant support is your God complex, yes aimbots and other things fill this, and make you feel better for a short time.

but you need to accept, that you are indeed just that single lonely person with no job and a damp bedsit playing BF3 on your netbook.

once you accept that, you can move on and change your life :confused:



26 Jul 2006
He is sad but also is a master of baiting (word play... you'll get it in a minute... there you go :D). I always thought aimbotters were exactly that and have been proven to have been spot on.

I can't wait for his next installment!!!.
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