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Is This Overkill

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5 Oct 2009
How did he think taking a pic from pistonheads or the first site that came up from googling "lambo picture white" would fool us? This is the age where no one is safe from people who can search t'internet

Still lolling at the instant autotrader slap in the face. Foooooooooooooool
7 Jun 2011
I personally think this P.Dhillon has massively succeeded in his set goal.....he is clearly a massive troll and succeeded by getting a huge response and replies from people who think he was actually telling the truth or trying to convince the OCUK forums that he was telling the truth....reading his posts they are clearly tongue in cheek and written in a troll like manor to create a very entertaining post......well done sir!
7 Jun 2011
Well the article has a 5 star rating and he got posters to take time out of their day to investigate his posts and write angry replies to a load of rubbish....pretty much sums up a troll to me.
25 Jun 2006
I completely disagree with you. I think the way this guy (and others previous) have been treated is shameful.
What I find completely unnecessary is the digging around some people do just to intensify the ridicule.

So he made up a few things? So what!

I think like most I had a bit of a laugh at first but I think I'm with Domo here, I came back to this thread some time later after the first couple of pages and found this;

Lol what a great read, the op clearly is a child stuck in an adults body, possibly abused as a young un or may still be being abused as of now.

What a sad sad person you are.

Sorry HAz, but that is a terrible thing to say in any context, to call him a sad sad person for his behaviour due to being abused as a child or even still being abused as of now, that's wrong.

For the record, I'm not advocating lying or anything, I honestly couldn't print what I thought when I read the original post and I immediately pressed back in the browser window only later returning to witness this train wreck.

15 Feb 2006
I stick up for some kid you know absolutley nothing about and you come back with that?
I'd rather hear/read a few tall tales than see someone publicly ridiculed like that. Especially when it's administered with pack mentalilty.

Oh for crying out loud. Part of the reason for the country is in the state its in is because of this namby pamby take on life. Publically or otherwise, he's been a complete prat.....and, lo and behold, been called a complete prat....on a PUBLIC forum! If he doens't like our "pack", maybe he should either:

1) Stop acting like a prat and, thus, erradicate any chance of being called a prat.


2) Sod off somewhere less PUBLIC to carry out his 'pratishness'
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24 Jun 2009
imo he definitely made those posts with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek- theres no way he was serious about any of it- he set out to troll and have a laught and thats it.

I know many people (including my brother) who like nothing better than to come onto random forums, sign up and troll for a few minutes before going off and doing something they actually enjoy!

Just because I like spending time reading/posting on forums does not mean all internet users do and to some forums are just fair game to post dumb stuff to get a laugh :)
2 Dec 2009
After reading through this I can conclude three things.
1) Trolls are obvious.
2) Never lie on OCUK forums.
3) You will be humiliated to levels you never thought existed.

As a previous full-time troll (many years ago) I can just answer a few of these for you:

1. Trolls may be obvious, but some people are baited hook, line and sinker. The ones who fall for it are usually the ones who get abusive, physically/psychologically annoyed and feel the need to somehow demean or undermine what is essentially a nice bit of harmless fiction.

2. If you think this guy is the first/last person to lie on the internet you are going to get a very nasty surprise. I'd say the real challenge is not finding liars, but finding honest, genuine people. The internet is a dark place for many reasons.

3. Humiliated is the wrong word - you surely do not believe that 'trolling users' actually care? Are you honestly this disillusioned that you expect a fictive/sensationalist writer to value the opinion/thoughts of a person he will never meet and does not know, who has zero-bearing on his life?

4. May I introduce you to 27bslash6.com which is a troll of god-like proportions. Excellent social manipulation, humour and a demonstration of an online persona who simply doesn't give a damn. Plus you may/should have read the Spider Email one before.

5. Trolls don't hurt people or cause damage or offence*, treat them as the joker/comedian/prankster who, if you lighten up, you may actually enjoy! :eek:

*If they do, then they are not trolls, but simply malicious or vindictive people - arguably no different to those few who seek to undermine the troll through slander.
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16 Feb 2011
England, Swindon
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting
4 Jun 2009
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting


You are one pathetic person! :D

But I love reading your posts, very entertaining. But to me it sounds like you are butt hurt from being busted! :D

I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL if the mods got all his other accounts banned! :D

Anyway, time to let the others rip into you:

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