ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

What about this?

It's kind of suspicous that the article has since been deleted, it's not like DailyMail have a reputation of accuracy to maintain. :p

I have no doubt that these sort of plans are discussed, entertained, and some carried out. After all, regime change is the (or one of the) goals. And they do like their WMD excuse. And the rebels have been observed faking stuff like this several times. But in this case, the Daily Mail accepted the email was fabricated, after a couple of months. Even if no comment was made about the other documents.

Daily Mail Reporting and Libel Action
On 29th January 2013, the Daily Mail published a story entitled "U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'". This was removed on 31st January without explanation. [4]

On 18th April 2013, the Daily Mail published a story entitled "Britam Defence, David Goulding and Philip Doughty" which stated that "we now accept that email was fabricated". No comment was made about the authenticity of the other documents.[5] Press Gazette reported on 26 June 2013 that the Daily Mail paid £110,000 plus costs as a libel payout to Britam Defence. [6]

Interesting company, nevertheless.

Our management team has a background in UK Special Forces. This ethos defines our culture. We challenge the status quo, while ensuring our solutions are practical, affordable and delivered to the highest standards of service and conduct. Operationally, we combine our experience and expertise in counter-terrorism, insurgency and other public security situations with keen commercial awareness and discretion.

Shouldn't that be counter-insurgency? :p
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I have no doubt that these sort of plans are discussed, entertained, and some carried out. After all, regime change is the (or one of the) goals. And they do like their WMD excuse. And the rebels have been observed faking stuff like this several times. But in this case, the Daily Mail accepted the email was fabricated, after a couple of months. Even if no comment was made about the other documents

They been planning this since forever, back in 2005, even as far as the early 90's

Gen Wesley Clark revealed plans in 2007:

Some interesting reading here:

Some interesting reading here:

Funding for the terrorist groups started as far back as 2005:

Funding for opposition groups to destabilize Syria before the uprising:

Man, there is tons of stuff out there, I left a lot of links out but these are my favourites.

In the end, it goes down to the two oil pipelines one backed by US+Allies and the second one by Russia which has to run though that entire section of the world.

There are other reasons, like Assad was planning to stop trading oil using USD, same as Gadaffi wanted.

This whole idea that Assad gassed his own people is just an other false flag attack by some other actor for their benefit which has resulted in drawing US in launching attacks, who does this benefit?

It's not the first time that intelligence has been "edited" to get more military involved, one big example is the Gulf of Tonkin incident which finally led to the Vietnam War.
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How do 59 Tomahawk missiles allow an airfield to be back in use hours or days later?

Was an symbolic attack pretty much that destroyed 6 or so MIG's and some buildings. The Airfield was back working 6 or so hours later.

They didn't even target the runway.

But we can't be too surprised by this, going to need a lot more firepower then Tomahawk missiles to totally cripple and destroy a airfield.

But ah well, this means less working planes to strike ISIL and other terrorists groups now, this airfield was one of the major ones that was being used against them.

All it has done is weaken the government, **** off Russia and Iran more and who have promised to increase the air defence capability and push relations between everyone further apart.
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They been planning this since forever, back in 2005, even as far as the early 90's

Gen Wesley Clark revealed plans in 2007:

Some interesting reading here:

Some interesting reading here:

Funding for the terrorist groups started as far back as 2005:

Funding for opposition groups to destabilize Syria before the uprising:

Man, there is tons of stuff out there, I left a lot of links out but these are my favourites.

In the end, it goes down to the two oil pipelines one backed by US+Allies and the second one by Russia which has to run though that entire section of the world.

There are other reasons, like Assad was planning to stop trading oil using USD, same as Gadaffi wanted.

This whole idea that Assad gassed his own people is just an other false flag attack by some other actor for their benefit which has resulted in drawing US in launching attacks, who does this benefit?

It's not the first time that intelligence has been "edited" to get more military involved, one big example is the Gulf of Tonkin incident which finally led to the Vietnam War.

The US supporting opposition groups in a country (especially one run as a dictatorship) with the hope of a change isn't a sign they're gearing up for military action. All the major players do the same thing. The Russians certainly aren't there to ensure freedom for the people and human rights are upheld...
Military intervention in Libya to oust Gadaffi was a British/French enterprise that the yanks initially wanted nothing to do with.

People keep saying why would he gas his own people when he's nearly won? Well two things, he's got form - he's done it before. It's not like he cares about civilian populations in rebel areas, they quite happily drop barrels of explosives out of choppers into crowds at funerals etc. Secondly he's no where near winning. Areas of Damascus now are considered held by opposition groups, his own capital. It's sadly a long way from done. So many have lost so much they probably have nothing else in their lives now but fighting the other side.
It was his brutal crackdown on the protests that spiralled the country into civil war and saw a power gain by the Islamists as the only real opposition to the government.
People keep saying why would he gas his own people when he's nearly won? Well two things, he's got form - he's done it before.

Areas of Damascus now are considered held by opposition groups, his own capital. It's sadly a long way from done. So many have lost so much they probably have nothing else in their lives now but fighting the other side.
It was his brutal crackdown on the protests that spiralled the country into civil war and saw a power gain by the Islamists as the only real opposition to the government.

No, he's won. The FSA and other rebels groups have lost the war, they lost it when Russia finally started to provide real help and with the Turkish intervention.

With ISIL almost defeated in Iraq, it only strengthens the Syrian Army.

The war isn't over and won't be over for a long time, but it's pretty clear that the Syrian Armed Forces (SSA) are going to finally win in the end, ask anyone at r/syriancivilar it's a done deal, it's pretty often that people ask that question over there.

The only thing that matters now is how long it's going to take and how many are going to die.

It's true the terrorists still hold some areas of Damascus, but it's a huge city and in the end, it's irrelevant and the noose around the terrorist held areas is slowly getting tighter, in the last few months, they have suffered huge defeats, they have lost the main source of water for Damasus earlier in the year.

The FSA and other groups have dug in pretty well with tunnels in civilian areas, so yes, people are going to die when the SSA attacks, it can't be helped, especially in urban warfare, it's the most brutal warfare that can happen.
No, he's won

He is winning - despite many rebel groups being spent forces, etc. its not like his army is in great shape either, always the chance Russia could pull out for domestic or political reasons, etc. which would put him in a shaky position - despite what some might say he isn't in such an assured position that it would take extreme measures off the table as not needed - he still needs every card he can play to keep the momentum up.

All it has done is weaken the government, **** off Russia and Iran more and who have promised to increase the air defence capability and push relations between everyone further apart.

Which is probably what it was designed to do - yet another chance to have an indirect prod at Russia in the hope they will make the first move and give the US an excuse.
Did anyone watch Dispatches C4 on Thursday night? It was hidden away at 11:00pm. Some of the footage of torture was horrendous so possibly understandably.

It focused on the treatment of Sunni towns once ISIS controlled areas had been liberated by the militias. These Shia militants are often heavily funded by Iran and even include battalions that fought against the US during the occupation. The Shia government are turning a blind eye to the torture and executions being carried out by these groups and there is evidence the government is being controlled by them..

In my mind it will be a similar situation happening in Syria if Assad is removed. There is simply no viable, or stable alternative that has presented it's self yet. We hear about the rebels but not once do I remember seeing a rebel on the TV. The rebels stage manage and control all media coming out of their areas.
Don't really disagree but most of his recent battles he has won and most of the rebel pushes have been repulsed or stalled, etc. including a couple of big ones intended to try and stop him getting momentum.

He also holds mostly high population density areas while a lot of what the rebels and ISIS hold, some cities aside is largely rural or desert.

DOD says US, coalition jets still getting painted by Syrian/Russia air defense systems & remains a concern

Before, the air defence systems was set to passive which meant that no aircraft was being lit up.

Pretty sure the pilots flying now must be crapping themselves hearing that warning, I learned today that the operators of the air defence systems can troll and trick the aircraft by doing a fake launch which the targeted aircraft views as a real launch, they can't tell the difference.

ISIL shells mosul with gas, where is the West outcry? Is Trump going to order airstrikes?
lol at people saying they should stay out of Syrian air space then - but those defence installations can potentially target something soon after take off from Incirlik or even Cyprus, etc.

EDIT: Don't think you can do a fake launch as such - during the Gulf wars, etc. they were largely able to tell a real launch from SAMs.

Before, the air defence systems was set to passive which meant that no aircraft was being lit up.

Pretty sure the pilots flying now must be crapping themselves hearing that warning, I learned today that the operators of the air defence systems can troll and trick the aircraft by doing a fake launch which the targeted aircraft views as a real launch, they can't tell the difference.

ISIL shells mosul with gas, where is the West outcry? Is Trump going to order airstrikes?

? I'm pretty sure they're already being bombed...

If they do a 'fake launch' then it'd be their own fault if a very non fake missle homes in on them!
If they do a 'fake launch' then it'd be their own fault if a very non fake missle homes in on them!

Yeah I'd assume you'd have to launch "something" even if its not targeted and with the tech in play today it wouldn't be unreasonable to counter a launch if you were locked on.
Stig in posting random crap with zero value whatsoever non shocker.

You know exactly what Spicer was trying to say, he's just such a moron he couldn't articulate the point properly. Again, the video fits your alterior agenda though, so there's nothing new here. Carry on.
He did some serious revising/attempted backtracking. He said Assad "compared unfavorably to Hitler"!

He couldn't articulate the point properly

He's the mouthpiece for the most powerful person on the planet - articulating information is his job.
He's the mouthpiece for the most powerful person on the planet - articulating information is his job.
And? It doesn't automatically make him good at it. Trump is the most powerful person on the planet. Do you think he's good at it?

Logic failures, everywhere.
Of course not but it's Spicer under the spotlight in this instance. He's been doing a poor job from day one. He's combative, stupid, insensitive and a liar. He shouldn't be in his job, and yes - neither should Trump.
No, he's won. The FSA and other rebels groups have lost the war, they lost it when Russia finally started to provide real help and with the Turkish intervention.

With ISIL almost defeated in Iraq, it only strengthens the Syrian Army.

He clearly hasnt won has he, and he probably wont win, ISIS still control large areas but their future is bleak anyway when their ideology is literally suicidal, our only hope for the region is the

Your defense of Assad is weird, very weird.

ISIL shells mosul with gas, where is the West outcry? Is Trump going to order airstrikes?

IS get vaporized by airstrikes all the time, theres plenty of videos out there that show this, not to mention the special forces on the ground working with the YPG.
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