ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

don't think they dwell in caves

it does seem that the more recent a religion the more ridiculous it is though

on a sliding scale from scientologists to pagans it is pretty clear who the trouble makers are and who are the more tolerant ones
They do! There's an enclave out in some desert somewhere where they can live 'persecuted' and happily practice bigamy. Happy fun times.

link for you. Full blown crazies.
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"A woman arrested in Birmingham on suspicion of terrorism offences has been charged, police said"

Bordesley Green will be another terrorist area very soon. Why do the women that wear a sand mask cause the most trouble?

Madihah Taheer, 21, has been charged with assisting another to commit acts of terrorism by providing her bank details to purchase a knife.


it was the husband who bought the knife
i know theres got to be more because sureluy our laws have not reached the crazy level where giving your husband/wife your bank details puts you at risk of jail time for terrorism?
i know theres got to be more because sureluy our laws have not reached the crazy level where giving your husband/wife your bank details puts you at risk of jail time for terrorism?

I wouldn't be surprised, I guess they could be going on she knew her husbands intent?

What's this family's country of origin?

Ahh, Chris straight in there with the important questions! :D
i know theres got to be more because sureluy our laws have not reached the crazy level where giving your husband/wife your bank details puts you at risk of jail time for terrorism?

OMG if she was on benefits WE GAVE HER THE MONEY!! ARREST EVERYONE! (that works)
either to keep israel out of the war given they would probbal y be a lot better a it thann anyone else involved atm.

or maybe just to cause people to do exactly what you just did

Or maybe its the truth, who knows... Israel is quite adept at hiding things, even nuclear weapons.
Or maybe its the truth, who knows... Israel is quite adept at hiding things, even nuclear weapons.

well they where pretty poor about hiding it given it was the isreals who released this information.

but after reading the article it seems som IS related group exchanged fire for a bit beffore being bombed to the stone age when some fire spilled over into golgan heights.

it goes on to say that Isreal usually responds with airstriokes when government fire spills over so perhaps IS simply sent a "our men engaged the worng target they have been ordered not to do so again" to save isreal deciding to do some hunting.
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