There may well be people who believe the Govt only act on a moral and alturistic basis.....I don't think there are any on here though are there? Like I posted earlier, by just pointing out our Govt isn't as bad as other muderous regimes isn't saying we are pure and just is it.
And again, the point made was that we materially and politically support worse regimes. Millions are facing starvation in Yemen right now as a direct result of our support for Saudi Arabia. One cannot make a case that attacking Syria would be acting morally when demonstrably our motivation is not morality. Further, given that the situation in Syria is largely the fault of Western governments (including Saudi and Qatar as proxies), the case that we are "not as bad" is dubious at best.
It's a bit like you keep harping back to the WMD dossier as though that's the basis for disbelieving everything the Govt ever says again.
And again, you've misunderstood the point of the government lying over Iraqi WMD. (And in Libya and Kuwait and in numerous other cases). None of those prove that it is lying now. They prove that the default position cannot be to assume our government isn't lying unless presented with overwhelming evidence that it isn't.