This is absolutely ridiculous.
No proof an attack has actually even happened.
No proof it was even Assad. It is bonkers he would do it at this stage in the war.
despite numerous chemical weapons attacks, most notably this, most recent one, and the one around this time last year, no actual proof has been given to demonstrably prove that the attacks originated from government affiliated sources. I don't believe we live in a world anymore where people still have blind patriotism such that they simply listen and believe when they hear their president/PM simply state 'we have evidence.' As my representative I want you to prove that you have evidence, I do not accept or allow you to act without question on my behalf when it comes to the prosecution of war in my name.
Assad knows a chemical weapons attack is a 'red line' to the west, so do the rebels. who does it benefit to agitate the west with the use of chemicals? Certainly not the Assad regime. The 'rebels' including notable groups such as ISIS have demonstrated ceaselessly since their inception that they are not above targeting civilians to further their own gains. Its been demonstrated time and again that not only do the rebels have access to chlorine stocks but that we, the UK have allowed supplies of chemicals used in the production of chemical weapons, granting those licenses up to 2012 and it continues to arm repressive states around the world.
Russia is the only member of the security council who has acted to stabilise the region, all the while the UK and America have continued to train and arm rebels and undermine their efforts. Many of these rebels have, unsurprisingly, turned out to be radical Islamists and affiliates of the Islamic state.
This is another war for resources that is generally unsupported by the people whose taxes are funding terrible acts in sovereign countries in our name. It's shameful that the likes of Tony Blair are allowed to walk the streets freely whilst the families of the people they had murdered, who were relentlessly bombarded with chemical weapons of our own in the form of depleted uranium, are now bringing deformed and cancer stricken babies in to the world whilst they mourn their dead. and It will be shameful again if we allow our leaders to sleep-walk us in to another war with no honest presentation of evidence.
If Assad has bombed his people with weapons that are 'illegal' for use in war against radical insurgents backed and supplied by the west then show me the evidence and lets destroy the sod. If you can't present the evidence I simply wont accept 'we have evidence' as justification.