I'm not inflexible, I just have a requirement for tangible proof rather than a simple consensus. Consensus lacks objectivity and is typically terribly subjective and knee jerk, it has got us in to more trouble than it has got us out of.
Things like Macron claiming he has proof only for it to turn out to be unverified does not help the situation. Trumps ridiculous tweets and May's refusal to consult parliament are not helping matters either, nor are they helping to promote the idea that they actually have any evidence other than that one of the numerous groups with access to chemical weapons in Syria may have used them but we can't really prove anything because pictures showing dead civilians with foaming mouths magically include children that show up in other pictures with the same cloths on in different positions in different locations. There are far, far too many unknowns and our covert actions to destabilise the country have not helped when it comes to knowing just who has what.
1400 dead in the last few weeks by the Syrian government.
Surely you can see there is a vast difference? Still, Israel is not killing its own children with chemical weapons, basically torture, I'm not forgiving what Israel is doing, but there is a massive massive difference. That can't be your defence of Assad, surely?
Because we did not go in to those countries with the objective of stabilising them.
edit: not strictly true with regard to Afghanistan but the fact that a majority of their population distrust or outright hate us because of our actions in their country and elsewhere hasn't exactly helped out cause.
We're not involved in these countries, why aren't they stable? This idea that we're the sole reason that some of these countries are a mess doesn't wash with me.
Here's a good thought experiment - what would someone like Dick Cheney want from some of these countries? If he could wave a magic wand and make Afghanistan the country he desires, what would it look like?
..it would be a Starbucks on every corner, a booming economy, a great tourism industry etc etc, a mini America basically, that's what he would want.