Well, suppose for a moment he does actually have evidence, it might not be the best idea to instantly reveal it to the entire world for tactical reasons, as it'll be their ace card - there'll be a correct time and place to play it...
You'd think from the way people are talking, than there's some sort of human right for the general public, to be given access to all information as quickly as possible without hesitation, in a situation that could lead to major conflict - I think some people need a reality check..
For such a significant statement the news channels have gone a bit quiet on that. As has Macron. And why didn't he just say what the evidence is rather than keep us hanging?
Anybody who's watched at least one episode of Columbo, will realise from this - that the moment someone naughty starts telling lies, they have to tell more lies to hide the lies, to keep hiding the lies - along the way things become confused, and versions keep changing, for example,
Which one is it rofl? it's all just misinformation, designed to create confusion - constantly changing the narrative so that it's almost impossible to argue with.
- First we're told the chemical attack is fake and all the footage is performed by actors in a studio
- Then we're told there's no evidence of any chemical attack at all, (no trace of anything)
- Now we're told there is evidence of chemical attack - because it's been done by the west on purpose, (false flag) (completely contradicting the first version)
How can you deal with this sort of thing and it's effects on people's opinions, when different theories are spammed as truth as fast as anyone can generate them
I understand what you're saying and I agree but Russia will refute any evidence at any point in time. Macron would have been better to have said nothing by that logic.Not really. Engage your brain for a second and think. If he releases what he has prematurely then Russia will just concoct some crap to attempt to show it as being false. Wait, keep it hidden, drop it as the same time as everyone else's evidence and it's overwhelming.
Just look at how Russia behaved over MH17 when evidence was released piecemeal. That fantastic attempt at a photoshop showing a Ukrainian plane in the area when there wasn't one!
how about this?So far they've presented about as much evidence as the West.
For me, this whole incident plays into the environment of misinformation and fake news that Russia has engineered entirely for it's own benefit, which it's been doing for years. (something you have to admit it's done rather skilfully).
The levels of trust between the people of the west and their governments, is currently so low that it's now possible to commit an atrocity, then exploit that distrust directly and blame the people trying to stop it, trust levels are so low - enough people actually buy it and think it's a legitimate scenario, when in fact - it's just BS heaped upon BS.
For me, I imagine Russia engineered Trump into the white house, precisely so they could profit out of the predictability, incompetence and inexperience so they can take part in atrocities for tactical gain, the moment there's an outcry - use that misinformation and mistrust to geld western governments, so they can't do anything without wrecking their own popularity.
surprised sky news aired his side
Assad interview
Thought he didn't care what the world thinks?
Makes a good point @ 3:40 - the Jihadis were advancing and gaining ground a few weeks ago and if he'd had chemical weapons why not use them then. Not that it matters to those programmed to react to staged events by their governments, because these days even an innocent "hello" from Putin or Assad can be spun to mean an insult to someone, or a sign of "belligerence".
How is it all BS?
It's not really besides the point unfortunately, because they are cretins, quite simply means they are either easy to blackmail or easily misled.
But whatever, If we truly wanted to annoy Russia, we'd end Brexit and be at the forefront of an EU Federal Military system and stop being a childish state that doesn't give it's citizens a legitimate choice at the polls.
The very fact that we're going through with brexit shows we're better than Russia. It was a free and open vote.
Well i'm not arguing that point, but it regardless means the West is ultimately weakened, something that undoubtedly amuses the Russian leadership a great deal.
It should also be stated that, regardless of whats going on, pure democracy is as disgusting as pure authority.
Nothing any different to what is being said the West - he claims certain times or circumstances but that is just his word.
The thing is it doesn't have to mean the West is weakened. Our military obligations and partnerships haven't changed.