Sadly it's been well documented that you can't educate conspiracy theorists/truthers,
It's interesting that you speak as if you aren't one yourself, ever. Why is that?
Simple illustration: you are driving along a country lane at night, with a young child in the passenger seat who happens to still be very innocent with very little knowledge of evil, say your son. You come across two blokes wanting to hitch a ride, your son says "dad they need a ride". But what are you thinking at that moment? You're weighing at least two options - that they are harmless and just want a ride, or that they have conspired together in order to cause harm or material loss to anyone who gives them a ride.
So now we're at the stage where you admit to yourself that conspiracy theorizing is natural for anyone who isn't completely innocent, or ignorant of evil, and that makes you a conspiracy theorist yourself. There's no longer any difference between you and anyone else, in that sense, and you have to find a way to re-create the difference, if you require it for whatever psychological reason.
Only problem is that in order to be qualified to authoritatively determine who shouldn't be labelled a conspiracy theorist and who should, you'd have to be God and know everything. In absence of that, all you can achieve is finding like-minded folk who more or less agree with your idea of where the "bar" is set. But agreement with a number of others, even if they were everyone on earth, does not make something "true". And some sets of people will have different "bars", and other sets may have none at all. And all of them will still remain conspiracy theorists by definition, unless they are extremely innocent. All of this makes the usage of the label pointless, you may as well say "humans" or "people", unless it is only an attempt to put someone down, in order to puff up your own ego, or, to give you the benefit of the doubt - to distinguish between some conspiracy theorists and other conspiracy theorists. It's the same with employing the term 'sheeple', instead of qualifying when one believes someone else is
acting unquestioningly. Everyone is a sheeple, or they aren't. Because we indulge in following the herd to greater or lesser extent. Even a shepherd doesn't always shepherd, and has to follow the herd.
The particular level of logic, or knowledge of evil, is not the only thing that comes into it, either. Sometimes a theory can be very logical, but very discomforting to some.
That said, I do hope the documents are wrong and you can be educated. It would indeed be very sad if you couldn't.