It is the BBC after all, I'm amazed it's being cited as a reasonable source, it usually isn't.
Well I was going to use RT but I know how you folk think RT is fake news so better to cite a source you guys can't refute as fake news
Dumb saudis think they wont be a target themselves sooner or later
Syria or Yemen? SA doesn't directly share a border with Syria.
That would be why they are building a massive fortified border with syria.
im talking about when america decides they dont like the dicator in that country
Saudi of course is becoming much more liberal under the new crown prince
why would we care about middle eastern politics?
saudi will never be allowed to be a liberal country
lol, its as if youve been asleep for the past decade
According to the CT crew , yesIs it just about the oil?
Not an issue untill we stop using oil.
And when we have why would we care about middle eastern politics?
Saudi of course is becoming much more liberal under the new crown prince
IDF: Iranian forces fire 20 rockets at Israel; Iron Dome intercepts some
Let's hope this doesn't turn out to be a major war, Israel really needs to stop bombing Syria until they actually attack Israel.
As someone said the indicator will probably be whether this is all still ongoing come daylight.
Seems to be rapidly escalating right now if the reports are anything to go by - but always a lot of confusion and propoganda and so on when these things happen.