ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

Morocco is quite a popular tourist destination, however, Islam.

I saw the video lurking around, its totally disgusting that these filth are allowed to live.

BBC article makes you laugh.

"The pair were found dead from knife wounds near a popular tourist spot on Monday.

One person had already been arrested on Monday, hours after the bodies of the two women were discovered with injuries to their necks."

Knife wounds and injuries to their necks? No they were beheaded, slowly and horrifically.

Well, it's BBC... I'm not going to say "Fake News" but... they do try to paint the story in a different light these days.

I understand that Morocco is a pretty safe country crime wise and they have already arrested 3 of them already, but it's an Islamic country and 2 young western girls camping in some wood is just asking for trouble.

Could only manage about 5 seconds of the video.

The video with the sound is absolutely horrific, looks like they got raped too.

I believe in gun control, but the first thought that came to me, they should had been armed, we all should be armed.
Sadly I'm not surprised because of all the politically correct propaganda that get spewed out at us these days. The average person aren't taught about being in danger and how to avoid it.
Me neither, why even give these animals your money/business?

I saw the video, and my god, its repulsive. All that girls dreams, ideas, hopes, vanished for nothing in a sickening act of terror.

The only saving grace I suppose is that it was "quick", but once seen, I think you lose a little bit of your soul/humanity when seeing things like this.

I cant even IMAGINE what it would be like for the mother to see that, as I think she inevitably will, curiousity gets the better of people. I hope those perpetrators get punished to the full extent of "islamic" law in their backwards, medievel country.

Seeing sickening footage like that, really makes me want to snap out of any "problems" a pampered western mug like I might be, and actually get on and make the most of every day on this Earth. I suppose you could "argue" that throughout history humans have been responsible for all sorts of sickening deaths, including the "screaming Bull", but even so, I dont think you are ever prepared for these acts of brutality in 2018, as naive as that sounds, and to think most western girls issues are a "gender pay gap" and what to wear on a Saturday night. Tragic.
I will never go to an Islamic country or anywhere where these sicko’s could be lurking.

Some of them can be great when fundamental/extremist Islamists are kept in check - I definitely have shifted significantly against visiting many of them through this year though. It has been pretty sad to see the changes in some parts where previously secular government held sway.
Some of them can be great when fundamental/extremist Islamists are kept in check - I definitely have shifted significantly against visiting many of them through this year though. It has been pretty sad to see the changes in some parts where previously secular government held sway.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I’d love to go to them, some of them are amazing, history and architecture wise, but I couldn’t take the risk of something like that happening to me, and even worse, having my family put through the horror of what these young girls families are going through right now.
I couldn't watch it, seems the "men" were rejected and acted in a completely predictable way for their culture. Stupid liberal brainwashing has a lot to answer for.
I'm surprisingly angry about what happened to them and I hope that, assuming they are the right people, they are given the death sentence that is still applicable in Morocco (although that's unlikely as it has not been used in decades). I won't go to many countries with a similar culture. As has been said above, "why give them your money"? I won't.
There is more outrage to a kid getting water squirted in his face than these two young women getting raped, murdered and beheaded.

That's because that poor Syrian was a refugee and he came here to escape this and was waterboarded!

These two girls were only wounded with a knife! This lad has to live the rest of his life.
I couldn't watch it, seems the "men" were rejected and acted in a completely predictable way for their culture. Stupid liberal brainwashing has a lot to answer for.

"Blazed" will be along in a minute to tell you that you just dont understand the perpetrators, and their minds and upbringing, and its all metaphysics and spiral dynamics.....
I couldn't watch it, seems the "men" were rejected and acted in a completely predictable way for their culture. Stupid liberal brainwashing has a lot to answer for.

At first I was like..."uughhh, thats sick" Then about 5mins afterwards as my mind ran amok and it really sunk in with the actions I had seen these smelly animals take, I actually felt physically ill. I did it because I think it is important to see the realities of the world, and not cotton wool yourself off from everything.

Just what HOPE is there for humanity when you have subhuman beings like this? Is it any wonder the west wants to close its doors and maintain what it has? Jesus Lord.... There is literally no excuse, nothing, not even the fainest of whisperings that could even be uttered.
Some images about of one of the victims facebook page, needless to say I don't think she realised the dangers of the world outside of the West. Unfortunately paid a terrible horrific price of assuming it was safe to travel outside of the protected tourist areas of Africa, she put too much faith in everyone being equal and moral regardless of where they are from.

This isn't even the first instance of something like this happening this year.
Well, it's BBC... I'm not going to say "Fake News" but... they do try to paint the story in a different light these days.

I understand that Morocco is a pretty safe country crime wise and they have already arrested 3 of them already, but it's an Islamic country and 2 young western girls camping in some wood is just asking for trouble.

The video with the sound is absolutely horrific, looks like they got raped too.

I believe in gun control, but the first thought that came to me, they should had been armed, we all should be armed.

Arming yourself in other people's countries is a swift one way ticket to a morgue.
Gotta hand it to Morocco, their no.2 source of income is tourism.. so they brutally rape and behead tourists on the mountains treks they are trying desperately to make popular.

Wonder how their tourism industry will be effected by one incident.
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